The Trump Presidency - how I stopped worrying and learned to love the Hair

The economy is inflating like a balloon for no real reason and it will soon pop.
Eye-Q;n3542398 said:
...and I still haven't seen a single link for the claim "We now know that FBI agents conspired against Trump and that Mueller's team is filled with democratic donors and Clinton supporters"... :dunno:

Funny thing about lies and bullshit...

Remember to argue the Trump way"

- Everything is great.
- If it isn't great for you, it's your fault
- If called out, lie.
- If asked for sources deflect.
- If that doesn't work, blame Obama and/or the Democrats
- If that doesn't work, it isn't that bad anyway.
- and if it is, it isn't my fault.
- or at least it isn't illegal
- and if it is, then it isn't illegal if I'm doing it.
- which I didn't
- but it wouldn't be wrong if I did.
- blame fabricated evidence
- even after admitting to wrongdoing.
- which I never did
- even if you saw me.
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Blind_Io;n3542396 said:
you know, for all the anti-government Libertarians I've met, not a single one is willing to pick up and move to a Libertarian paradise free from taxation and regulation. I think Yemen has some nice real estate prices these days, of course you are on your own for water, sanitation, food, police, fire protection, education, justice, roads to travel on, and pretty much every other thing you currently take for granted thanks to taxation.
There is difference between libertarians and anarchist. I don't know of a single libertarian that wants a completely tax free figurehead government. Also most of the things you are listing are state level, yet the Feds take in way more tax revenue than the states. I somehow doubt that you honestly believe all of the taxes being collected right now are just and that the funds are well spent.
Because under a Libertarian system, whoever can amass the most support and power can dictate that to anyone they want without fear of reprisal. Regulations include things like the separation of church and state and human rights protections, as well as public services.

Blind_Io;n3542368 said:
How do you know they conspired against Trump? Because two agents sent a personal text critical of Trump? That doesn't violate policy, government employees can speak openly about their politics, they just can't do it from their office/uniform or as a spokesperson for their department or agency.

You know what is a sign of conspiracy? Selectively releasing information that gives the appearance of political bias to sway an ongoing investigation.

Already debunked. Try again.
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Some tweets does not equal a conspiracy.
LeVeL;n3542389 said:
I'm estimating several grand left in my pocket each year. The less taxes we pay the better, although ideally that should go hand-in-hand with spending cuts

What if I were to tell you that I didn't post about the wealthy? What if I told you that if I had less money stolen from me to be wasted on shit I don't care about, I'd have more money? What if I told you that under the current Republican president the economy has been flourishing? Mind = blown.

What if I tell you that not all that has value can be paid for in cash?
Exactly how do you want to fund public stuff such as ... well since this is a car-related forum let's start with the obvious - roads? Parks? Sewage? Police? Firefighters? Schools? Surely you can't be such a libtard to go as far as to say those things should only be available to those who can afford them. It doesn't matter how much taxes you remove from people, there always will be poor people - because after the dust settles, the prices adjust to the new "disposable income" the tax cuts create - and that bottom % of the people still need these services.

I doubt the current republican government has had such a huge impact on the economy, it hasn't been a year (even if it feels like it's been a decade). it's been doing okay for years now. Let's not forget the worst crash since the big one was in 2008 after many years of republican policies.
It's a lot closer than some private text messages that were neither illegal nor unethical.

As for the debt: that problem was started under Bush thanks to the tanking economy. It comes down to the metrics you use, the uptick in the debt began when Bush was in office and continued to explode under Obama, who had to deal with the dumpster fire he was left.

If you look at percent change in the debt under each administration, Obama actually did pretty well.


And that includes all the stimulus money that was spent keeping factory doors open and banks solvent and while tax revenue was severely down due to the tanking economy and property markets. Fewer taxes coming in and stimulus spending means more debt. It has happened under both GOP and Democratic administrations when the economy goes into depression or recession. If you want to talk about money poorly spent, it was the GOP that committed us to spending $1.1 trillion in direct costs just up to 2010 and just in Iraq. Estimates put the indirect costs at another $2.4 trillion and VA spending at $134 billion. Refurbishing damaged equipment is going to be another $17 billion as of 2006, which was double the 2005 estimate.
LeVeL;n3542422 said:
lol there are private roads, private parks, private sewage, private police, private firefighters, and private schools in this country. You picked horrible examples. I also, get ready for this, have never advocated for the complete elimination of taxes.

Private police ? With the powers of the real police? Where?? Mall security? You're talking about the vast minority, the exceptions that confirm the rule. Almost all of the roads, parks, sewage, firefighters etc, are public funded and you know it full well.

Your so called and celebrated tax cuts will benefit the richest, once again, and leave the poorest even more in the shitter. You're being governed by a guy who never had to do a hard day of work in his life and is surrounded and funded by similarly minded people. Capitalism and this kind of stuff has put more and more money in the hands of the top 1%, more than ever in history, and tell me how has that made the country better? Isn't it obvious by now that trickle down economics simply doesn't work and that the people benefited from this just hoard money and get fatter and fatter?

And bottom line, how do you even know these tax cuts are gonna be reflected by fund cutting stuff YOU seem to think is unnecessary?
LeVeL;n3542421 said:
I wasn't going to call you out but... you should be ashamed of posting a Salon link.

Then I'll take a page from your playbook and tell you to use Google to find a source you like. NPR and numerous other outlets have reported that the FBI agents in question were also critical of the other candidates, including the Democrats. Of course, that detail was left out to spin the narrative that the FBI is biased against Trump. Not liking him and being objective in the investigation are two different things. One agent not liking Trump won't change the outcome if they find evidence of collusion - this is a distraction, and a pretty crappy one at that. These texts do not support the idea that "the FBI investigating Trump is biased against him" it shows that this agent thinks he's an idiot. And he is an idiot, he also has the lowest approval rating in the first year of any president in history - so that FBI agent is in pretty good company.

EDIT: Here, have a source from a conservative site.
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mpicco;n3542424 said:
Your so called and celebrated tax cuts will benefit the richest, once again, and leave the poorest even more in the shitter.
You mean tax cuts benefit the people who pay all the taxes, more than the people who don't pay any taxes? Say it ain't so! lol

mpicco;n3542424 said:
Capitalism and this kind of stuff has put more and more money in the hands of the top 1%, more than ever in history, and tell me how has that made the country better? Isn't it obvious by now that trickle down economics simply doesn't work and that the people benefited from this just hoard money and get fatter and fatter?
The idea that people getting rich somehow ruins the lives of poor people is just not true. Mark Zuckerberg creating Facebook didn't ruin poor people or make their lives worse. Neither did Bill Gates creating Microsoft or the late Steve Jobs creating Apple, or most other billionaires that I could think of. Most of them get rich by coming up with products that people love. Not by going after poor people.

As far as rich people choosing to hoard their money, or choosing to invest it, that is up to them, on an individual level. It's their money, they earned it, they can do whatever they want with it. The only thing we can do is encourage them to invest it, by creating a system that rewards investors. But that means they can keep getting richer and richer, which is very very bad, apparently. If you just want to steal their money, then just keep voting for politicians who want to jack up the tax rates. I hear capital flight is great for the economy.

But seriously, the class warfare stuff is not productive. They didn't get rich by stealing from the poor. Poverty is not their fault. These lies only cause division and hatred.
mpicco;n3542424 said:
Private police ? With the powers of the real police? Where??
Just about any sufficiently wealthy gated (and some non-gated neighborhoods). Depends on what you mean by powers of real police, there is armed security authorized to take you out that is private. They don't investigate crimes though, but seeing as how in the US LEO doesn't have to protect you from criminals....
lmost all of the roads, parks, sewage, firefighters etc, are public funded and you know it full well.
All of those and a vast majority of roads are funded locally not federally (only interstate highways get Fed money)
Your so called and celebrated tax cuts will benefit the richest, once again, and leave the poorest even more in the shitter.
I'm not rich and those tax cuts would help me, poorest people don't pay income tax so how are they any worse of?
Isn't it obvious by now that trickle down economics simply doesn't work and that the people benefited from this just hoard money and get fatter and fatter?
No it's not obvious that trickle down "simply doesn't work". It is not obvious to economists who have been debating this for DECADES, it sure as hell ain't going to be obvious to a bunch of car guys on a random forum somewhere on the internet.
What is obvious, however, is that capitalism is in fact a system that lifts people out of poverty. All you have to do is take a look at Russia and China and you will see the leaps those countries made in quality of life due to capitalism. That doesn't mean that we go Laissez-faire but the idea that capitalism is somehow evil is plain ignorant.

P.S. Aside from government employees, literally everyone who has a job and is able to afford things can only do so because of fatcat capitalists, who are apparently hoarding money
Everybody will be worse off when the deficit doesn't stop going up.

I have worked armed security to protect the ultra wealthy and we were "not authorized to take anyone out". I worked jobs where we were protecting people from death threats, and we had as many, if not more constraints on us than the police.
Don't tell me what I have or have not about. And yes, overspending on the military is terrible and should be scaled back greatly. The money would be far better spent rebuilding infrastructure that has been neglected over the last few decades.

There should also be a new income source. Legalize cannabis and end the Drug War as we know it (reduce funding to the DEA as part of it). Make hemp part of that deal and there are two new industries that will increase the tax base.
Speaking of which, where is that great, yuge, infrastructure plan we were promised that was going to employ everyone and really be the greatest.