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hell yeah. Now plz tell me the next episode airs next week and it is not a mid-season break...btw: Sun is badass.
This week was good, but not awesome.

First thing I did was look it up on Wikipedia. They say there's a 2 hour season finale on the 29th.
It was an alright episode... I feel like the later seasons might be a letdown. Last night's episode felt like it could have been the series finale... too much happening too fast.
This season has been good overall. I agree that last nights was ok. Some of the flash forwards are kind of boring though. Like the ones about Kate, Jack, And Hurley
hell yeah. Now plz tell me the next episode airs next week and it is not a mid-season break...btw: Sun is badass.

Good news and bad news. Good news = not a mid season break. Bad news = off next week to make room for Grey's anatomy finale, back the following week with parts 2 and 3, aka the season finale of LOST.

Great episode. Even though I know Sayid makes it off the island, still worried about his safety. Sun owned her father...awesome. Jack is related to Claire, who knew...besides everybody. Sawyer is great.
Eh, what's so great about the ep? They didn't tell us anything new, just a filler ep before the finale where they'll tell us how the oceanic 6 are gonna become oceanic 6.
the finale where they'll tell us how the oceanic 6 are gonna become oceanic 6.

Really? And where did you hear this? I assumed that was what they would cover in the next and final 2 seasons.

Well, in any case, this season felt quite different than the first 3 and it doesn't look like it's going back. Apparently from now they will mostly do flashforwards, only doing flashbacks when it directly concerns the Oceanic crash.

But that just pisses me off, shows so much of this show has been a waste so far. Are we ever gonna find out anything about Ana-Lucia, Libby, Mr. Eko, Boone and Shannon? I think they pretty much admitted much of Lost is filler, given so much time was spent on these characters and they were just abandoned.

Especially with Nikki and Pablo... sure Nikki was pretty damn hot, but they were horrible characters and horrible actors as well.
Really? And where did you hear this? I assumed that was what they would cover in the next and final 2 seasons.

I assumed, just like you now did. Everything was leading to that point in this season, even the last scenes of this ep showing how people from oceanic 6 are all over the place, yet we know they'll be getting together somehow.

For the remaining seasons there's still a lot to cover. What happens to the rest of the survivors, island, others, the Ben and Wildmore thing. The story of main characters off the island is far from over too.
^Agree with the comments that it felt like a filler. Only good thing was the confirmation that the Oceanic 6 included Aaron and Jack finding about Claire and Aaron, which explains his behaviour towards Kate and Aaron in the previous flash-forward. Other than that, mention of the new green house station but not of how its going to help them and the island...

Hope they have a solid finale, last year's was pretty good.
^ Claire's mom has the worts Aussie accent ever. It's so hilarious... Lost needs better casting directors.

When she came on I was like "who the heck is this woman?" She sounds completely British, and that might even be fake.
The more this show goes on, the more its previous episodes content turns into stupid filler.
^ Totally... I've been saying this all along. Just look at all the characters they introduced, did backstories on them, then just killed them off. One or two of them could still have something to do with the story, but the rest were a waste of time.

That's basically like saying to the viewer: "Fuck you, you will watch whatever we show because we are Lost."
I cannot express my gratitude enough for the producers and writers not leaving me hanging. Okay, yes, there's still a ton of questions, but it didn't end with "OMFG!!!!?!!!".

Still though, GREAT ending to the season. Can't wait for the next one! :)
Haven't watched the episodes yet, but I will as soon as my sis comes home. Anyway, has anybody seen the 1 hour special prior to last nights episodes? Was it worth it?
Haven't watched the episodes yet, but I will as soon as my sis comes home. Anyway, has anybody seen the 1 hour special prior to last nights episodes? Was it worth it?
I heard it was just a summary episode.
Dont really know what to think of that tbh.

The bit where he actually moved the island has now confirmed that anything is possible, and that they could well be in a fucking fairyland! (joke! but you get the idea!
Just to recap:

Up until now, the plot has used these elements:

Time travel
natural phenomena
experiments gone wrong
mass murder
hidden family relations ( several times )
a plane crash
just a bit about castaways being lost, but that was only
in the first few episodes.
Great episode overall. My favourite bit was Sayid totally kicking that Fred Durst dude's ass out of nowhere. He is awesome.

See you all in the fall...