Clarkson: "The united states of total paranoia"

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BlaRo said:
That's a pretty idiotic comment right there. You've clearly never been to America, have you? America's not a dangerous place to live. How do I know? I live there.

There's no denying the statistics, but you're not going to be shot the second you step off the plane. America isn't a Third World Jungle full of bandits running around with guns. Most crime in America, like in any country, centers around the cities. Guess where most people live? Like me, in the suburbs where there's hardly any crime and certainly no murders. America's also made up of many ethnic groups which naturally lead to more gangs than in England and the rest of Europe. Anybody here a Blood or a Crip? I thought not.

It's the same as any country. So don't go portraying America as a cesspool of evil with your European arrogance.

So you're comparing America to Third World countries now? How is that supposed to strengthen your arguement? Try comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Yes, the US has a lower murder rate than Colombia so we must be doing well!

Relatively speaking the US is a dangerous place. Perhaps I was spoiled by living in countries like Germany and Japan. For me America is the most dangerous and most crime ridden country in which I've lived (that's a fact). The reason the US has high crime rates is rooted in the metality of the people themselves. People commit so many crimes that most Americans have grown to ignore and overlook them.

"I know I'm breaking the law but it's not a big deal. As long as I'm not caught I'm doing nothing wrong. Why do the police go after me for commiting a crime? Don't they have anything better to do?"

That is the kind of mentality I encounter EVERYDAY from Americans in my own city! If that isn't distressing then I don't know what is. And guess what. I met far less scum that thought like that in Germany and Japan.

Bad parenting? Lack of respect and morals?
I'm not saying all Americans are like this. But they are more abundant here than in other developed countries. And many well traveled Americans share my views as well.
America is different than European countries and while you can compare them it is really not fitting. The US is a country of immigrants of one degree or another from all over the world. Third largest population of any country and laws that are more liberal in some ways than European laws and in other ways more harsh. Australia is the closest comparsion but it is still very different.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the US generally have more restrictive laws when it comes to stuff that won't do harm to anyone - if you look pass the hurt feelings of some religious extremists - and quite liberal laws when it comes to things that do hurt people?
You know what? There is more to come: Jeremy's lates comments :thumbsup:

Arrested just for looking weird
Jeremy Clarkson
Last week I wrote about my recent trip to America, and to be honest it didn?t go down well. I don?t think I?ve ever been on the receiving end of such a blizzard of bile. One man called me an ?imbosile?. Hundreds more suggested that it?d be better for everyone if I just stayed at home in future.

And do you know the awful thing? I haven?t finished yet. Last week?s column was just an introduction, an amuse-bouche, a scene-setter. It?s this week that things really start to get going . . .

Click here to find out more!
So far we?ve looked at the problem in America of power without responsibility. Step out of the loop, do something unusual and you?ll encounter a wall of low-paid, low-intellect workers whose sole job is to prevent their bosses from being sued. As a result, you never hear anyone say: ?Oh I?m sure it?ll be all right.?

You know the Stig. The all-white racing driver we use on Top Gear. Well, we were filming him walking through the Mojave desert when lo and behold a lorry full of soldiers rocked up and arrested him. He was unusual. He wasn?t fat. He must therefore be a Muslim.

It gets worse. I needed money to play a little blackjack in Vegas but because I was unable to provide the cashier with an American zip code he was unable to help. It?s the same story at the petrol pumps. Americans can punch their address into the key pad and replenish their tank. Europeans have to prove they?re not terrorists before being allowed to start pumping.

I seem to recall a television advertisement in which George W Bush himself urged us all to go over there for our holidays. But what?s the point when you can?t buy anything? Or do anything. Or walk across the desert in a white suit without being arrested.

The main problem I suspect is a complete lack of knowledge about the world. I asked people in the streets of Vegas to name two European countries. The very first woman I spoke to said: ?Oh yes. What?s that one with kangaroos??

Then you?ve got New Orleans, which, nearly a year after Katrina, is still utterly smashed and ruined. Now I?m sorry but insects can build shelter on their own. Birds can build nests without a state handout. So why are the people of Louisiana sitting around waiting for someone else to do the repairs?

I tried to help out. I tried to give a car I?d been using to a Christian mission. But I was threatened with legal action because the car in question was a 91 and not the 98 that had allegedly been promised. A very angry woman accused me of ?misrepresentation?.

Not everyone in America is deranged, of course. Sammy certainly isn?t. Sammy was helping us out washing cars, and one night, over dinner, he explained how he?d become so badly burnt. And why, as a result, the best he could hope for out of life was washing cars for cash.

His car had exploded after it was rammed from behind by an off-duty cop. He was taken to a hospital that had no air-conditioning, in California, in the summer. Not nice when you have third-degree burns to half your body.

And to make matters worse, there was nobody to help him go to the loo, so he either did his business where he lay ? or went through untold agony by rolling over to pee on the floor.

The bill for his botched plastic surgery was half a million dollars, $15,000 of which came from the cop?s insurance. This means Sammy can never get a proper job, or buy a house or find credit.

The government, he says, is waiting for him to pop up on the radar and then they?ll come round to get their greenbacks back.

Of course, many Americans would say our health service is far from perfect and I?d agree. I?d agree there are lots of things wrong with Britain.

I?d also agree, having been to every single state in the US ? apart from Rhode Island ? that there are good things about America. The hash browns, for instance, served up by Denny?s are delicious, you can turn right on a red light and er . . . well, I?m sure there?s a lot more but I can?t think of anything at the moment.

Among the things I don?t like is the way everyone over 15 stone now moves about in a wheelchair. As a result, it takes half an hour to get through even the widest door. And I really don?t like the way that every small town looks exactly the same as every other small town. Palmdale in California and Biloxi in Mississippi are nigh on identical. They have the same horrible restaurants. The same mall. The same interstate drone. Live in either for more than a week and you?d be stabbing your own eyes with knitting needles.

But it?s the idiocracy that really gets me down. The constant coaxing you have to do to get anything done. ?No? is the default setting whether you want to change lanes on a motorway or get a drink on a Sunday. It?s like trying to negotiate with a donkey. Once, I urged a cop in Pensacola, Florida, to use his common sense and let me load a van in the no loading zone, since the airport was shut and it would make no difference. ?Sir,? he said, ?you don?t need common sense when you?ve got laws.?

That, I think, probably says it all.,,24389-2261609,00.html

Certainly not as harsh as the last one, but good. I miss the humour a bit, no Nazi joke about California, no real outrageous exaggeration about America
^ Good article - this one's a lot more reasoned than the last one, and if that's his experiences in the U.S I can understand how he feels.

JC said:
?Sir,? he said, ?you don?t need common sense when you?ve got laws.?

Oh dear :no:
fbc said:
^ Good article - this one's a lot more reasoned than the last one, and if that's his experiences in the U.S I can understand how he feels.

JC said:
?Sir,? he said, ?you don?t need common sense when you?ve got laws.?

Oh dear :no:

Just don't take his articles as the absolute truth. I would bet that a majority of the time he was acting like an ass and in turn people treated him like shit.
jetsetter said:
fbc said:
^ Good article - this one's a lot more reasoned than the last one, and if that's his experiences in the U.S I can understand how he feels.

JC said:
?Sir,? he said, ?you don?t need common sense when you?ve got laws.?

Oh dear :no:

Just don't take his articles as the absolute truth.

Of course not - this is JC after all. I'm not saying I agree with him, just that I understand him feeling the way he does.
There has actually been an increase in the number of British people who have been coming to the US over the past few years.
jetsetter said:
Just don't take his articles as the absolute truth. I would bet that a majority of the time he was acting like an ass and in turn people treated him like shit.

I bet he had a great time and met lots of people who treated him fine. He experienced some US stupid bullshit that we all know exists here post-9/11. So many Americans scurrying around in a frightened drone state just waiting for Herr Bush to tell them what to think because they are too scared to do so on their own. He's taking the piss out of the US and I'd say it's high time. US comics do it all the time and JC is doing what Carlin does as well - social critic.
The "frightened drone state" is bullshit and where did "Herr Bush" come from? If you knew anything of history you would not compare Bush to Hitler.
In the two trips I've been to Europe, any person with any sort of official capacity with their respective governments treated me like a piece of shit, too, and I'm not a 6'6 douchebag who can't handle authority.

And would you not be suspicious if you were a security guard at an airport and men in strange accents were unloading equipment past closing time?

...but it does sadden me to hear how ridiculous and pompous our police and officials can be. And he is more than right about a service industry filled with ill-educated men and women 'trying not to get their bosses sued.'
The "frightened drone state" is bullshit and where did "Herr Bush" come from? If you knew anything of history you would not compare Bush to Hitler.

Suck it up baby. If you knew history, and German, you'd know that Herr is not in the sole possession of Adolph Hitler. Think FIRST...then speak.
I blame Bush.

/that is all.
//Oh, and I liked the article, wasn't his normal comedic self, but still good.
ishigakisensei said:
The "frightened drone state" is bullshit and where did "Herr Bush" come from? If you knew anything of history you would not compare Bush to Hitler.

Suck it up baby. If you knew history, and German, you'd know that Herr is not in the sole possession of Adolph Hitler. Think FIRST...then speak.

... you're implying you were referring to someone other than Hitler? Sure, we believe that one. :roll:
BerserkerCatSplat said:
ishigakisensei said:
The "frightened drone state" is bullshit and where did "Herr Bush" come from? If you knew anything of history you would not compare Bush to Hitler.

Suck it up baby. If you knew history, and German, you'd know that Herr is not in the sole possession of Adolph Hitler. Think FIRST...then speak.

... you're implying you were referring to someone other than Hitler? Sure, we believe that one. :roll:

I was going to add to my post: "And don't turn around and say you were not referring to Hitler" but I decided against it. My comments still stand true. Hitler was much different, a truely evil man. Bush is just another president. There have been a few in the past alot like him, they are just not remebered today as much as some others such as Washington, Kennedy, Lincoln, etc. Let me see you name ten more presidents beyond the ones I already listed. Remeber that there have been 42 so far.
BerserkerCatSplat said:
... you're implying you were referring to someone other than Hitler?

No, I was not. I was referring to the POSITION because everyone knows it as opposed to Il Duce of Mussolini. And, that was not his title. I don't compare Bush to Hitler - Hitler was smarter, craftier, and truly truly evil. Bush is just boy-prince with delusions of grandeur.

I do suggest that since Bush has claimed that he would like to be a dictator, he and his Fascist followers would do well to refer to him as Herr Bush.

Sure, we believe that one.

Methinks you'll believe anything that Hate Radio ir Shout TV tells you. Frankly, I don't care what you tittybabies think. Something that JC and I have in common.
Bush is just boy-prince with delusions of grandeur

Then Bush is not unique in the history of the presidents.
ishigakisensei said:
Methinks you'll believe anything that Hate Radio ir Shout TV tells you. Frankly, I don't care what you tittybabies think. Something that JC and I have in common.

Random straw-clutching assumptions aside, did you just call me a "tittybaby?" :lmao:
jetsetter said:
I was going to add to my post: "And don't turn around and say you were not referring to Hitler" but I decided against it. My comments still stand true. Hitler was much different, a truely evil man. Bush is just another president. There have been a few in the past alot like him, they are just not remebered today as much as some others such as Washington, Kennedy, Lincoln, etc. Let me see you name ten more presidents beyond the ones I already listed. Remeber that there have been 42 so far.
President Vice President

Theodore Roosevelt
Charles Fairbanks
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Warren G. Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Charles Dawes
Herbert Hoover
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Henry A. Wallace
Harry S Truman
Alben Barkley
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Hubert Humphrey
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Nelson Rockefeller
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush

I didn't google it, honest. :roll:

I bet you couldn't name 10 prime ministers apart from Churchill, Blair and Thatcher.
peter3hg2 said:
jetsetter said:
I was going to add to my post: "And don't turn around and say you were not referring to Hitler" but I decided against it. My comments still stand true. Hitler was much different, a truely evil man. Bush is just another president. There have been a few in the past alot like him, they are just not remebered today as much as some others such as Washington, Kennedy, Lincoln, etc. Let me see you name ten more presidents beyond the ones I already listed. Remeber that there have been 42 so far.
President Vice President

Theodore Roosevelt
Charles Fairbanks
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Warren G. Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Charles Dawes
Herbert Hoover
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Henry A. Wallace
Harry S Truman
Alben Barkley
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Hubert Humphrey
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Nelson Rockefeller
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush

I didn't google it, honest. :roll:

I bet you couldn't name 10 prime ministers apart from Churchill, Blair and Thatcher.
I'm no brit, but what the heck.

Norwegian PMs:
Christian Michelsen
Johan Nygaardsvold
Einar Gerhardsen
Per Borten
Gro Harlem Brundtland
K?re Willoch
Torbj?rn Jagland
Jens Stoltenberg
Kjell-Magne Bondevik
Johan Sverderup
Johan Ludvig Movinkel
Trygve Brattli
Odvar Nordlie

Clement Attlee(?)
Neville Chamberlain
John Mayor
Ramsey MacDonald
David Lloyd George.

Can't remember more.

Edit: Knew 12 of the US ones. :)
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