Kids attacking the homeless


Politically Charged
Mar 23, 2005
Most recent story...10 year old boys smashed a concrete block into a homeless mans face.

Unfortunately, this isn't an isolated incident. There have been several times in recent months where teens have been attacking homeless people, killing them in some instances.

I'm really at a loss for words, everytime I read these stories. Many of these attacks are in Florida, but it's happening around the country. What is the mindset of these youths?
They probably consider the homeless to be subhuman. Maybe they think that by doing this, they are "helping" to solve the "homeless problem."

Such people are subhuman themselves.
that's pretty fucked up, 10yr old's hitting people in the face with a brick seriously wtf.
Maybe they think that by doing this, they are "helping" to solve the "homeless problem."
In my opinion, they're not thinking this far. They are regarding the homeless as "human waste", which you can do things with you can't do to a "normal" human being.
Many of these people have metal problems and really need looking after by someone - some of them, however, their problems are self inflicted, either way they do not deserved to be attacked by anyone.

This is not a new phenomenen sad to say; although not common I knew of similar attacks twenty years ago here.
These despicable videos probably aren't helping much:

In Russia they make them race, that's much more productive.

Maybe I shouldn't get my facts from Nathan Barley...
Man that is fucked up. That they've been raised to think of them as sub-human is not out of the question. As if the homeless didn't have enough to worry about. would be great if those guys ended up in a shallow grave in the desert.
Nobody deserves that. I don't care if they've just fucked your wife, nobody deserves that.
In my local area i remeber hearing stories of the local gang beating up a homeless person. I also remeber people going down and setting fire to homeless camps while the person was still in their. And i live in a nice part of the country. Its a rough life being homeless and their perfect targets for angry, maybe drunk teens because often they cannot go to the police and they are often also the only people out in some of the rougher estates at night.

- Under which conditions have these youths grown up?
- What exactly is the reason, the justification they give themsleves?
- Do they come from surtain social groups?

I'd like to know that stuff, tbh.

Violence like this is sick, but I guess we can't rule out the possibility some of these kids have their own problems, maybe big problems.

Who knows.

But we can't have a society where things like this becomes popular, then we end up with a disgusting society.
Its allways easy to say its not the kids fault lets blame labour instead that some people with fucked up minds beat people up.
At the end of the day kids must learn to act properly rather than just claiming that the system has let them down.
Well, if we are to be very honest, which we should, it is just as easy to say it's got nothing to do with their surroundings.

I believe I have previously stated, that I believe in using many theories to explain problems in society. Using just individualistic theories, is just as poor, as just using system orientated theories. There are cases of both, there are combinations.

At least that's my opinion.