Alphabetical Conversation

Must... keep awake for..... 40 more minutes...
Now why would that be?
Oh lawdy, we doubled up on N
People just weren't paying attention.
Quite true.
Really? Come on, it's more likely we answered at the same time and I clicked "Post Quick Reply" and he clicked "Submit Reply", so no wonder mine got in first.
Stop talking and keep moving.
Talking is what we do best around here
Very likely that is to occur, too
When is it ever unlikely?
XenUphobia is a fear one particular alien, by the name of Xenu. People who suffer this phobia are also known as scientologists.
And aren't there many more deviations to come?
Certainly does, although IIRC this particular forum is public and supposed to be SFW. So let's just run with our imaginations! :mrgreen: