I have never game

False, born here.

I have never been on a cruise holiday.

I have never been in a hot air balloon

I have never done a bungie jump.
Kinda false. By that, I meant that I had do some rock climbing and abseiling up and down a crappy plastic wall, because it was supposed to be a "treat" for "gifted and talented" people, apparently.

I have never done any form of extreme sport voluntarily.
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False, depending on your definition of "extreme" (and there's one in particular I'd like to try but am not good enough)

I have never been so curious - "voluntarily"?
Just explained it. :D

I wish I was more active.
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True, although the dog keeps me active enough

I have never joined and stayed with a fitness club. joined once, got thrown out for ogling the women... not really, just didn't have enough time for it.
False. 2 years at a gym. Wasted

I have never had a personal trainer
False I have one right now.

I have never ran a marathon.
<--------- does not run

I have never considered running fun

I have never thought of running the marathon to be something done for fun, as such, more a personal challenge.
False. Never even considered running one.

I have never attended either Olympic or Commonwealth Games events
True, although i plan to change that next year.

I have never attended a football match.
True, and I don't intend to change that.

I have never liked sport.
False, only sport i like are Formula 1 and Moto GP, maybe a bit of SBK's but not much.

I have never ridden a Motorbike.
False. But I'm pretty crap at it.

I have never driven an $80k car
False, have even driven a Ferrari.

I have never been in a Zonda.