Norway continues to be the best place to live.

Most Brits have trouble with who was before Thatcher.

Well done Norway and OZ btw - oh and Canada too. Anyone notice how high up the Irish are - outstanding you guys, you play the EU game to perfection.

We are terminally crap at the 'lets get Brussells to pay for everything EU game', trapped by our history from playing properly - we can not pretend to be poor well enough - hats off to Spain too - er why are Germany and us sending them money anyway, they must be good at the 'we are so poor send us money EU game' I suppose?
Most Brits have trouble with who was before Thatcher.

Well done Norway and OZ btw - oh and Canada too. Anyone notice how high up the Irish are - outstanding you guys, you play the EU game to perfection.

We are terminally crap at the 'lets get Brussells to pay for everything EU game', trapped by our history from playing properly - we can not pretend to be poor well enough - hats off to Spain too - er why are Germany and us sending them money anyway, they must be good at the 'we are so poor send us money EU game' I suppose?

Norway's not actually a member of EU, we're rebels! mwahahahaha!
although.. we follow more EU rules than a EU country -_-
We're members of that EEC thingy (we're allowed to do as we're told, but not to vote). When Jens Stoltenberg (current PM) went to the Norwegian version of Have I got news for you?, he commented that the EEC had one big advantage, because as there was only Iceland and F?r?yene and Norway in it or something, "it's the only international organization where Norway is a military superpower"!

We have no pornography.
We have the highest rates of skin cancer.
We have no bongs.
We censor our films, music, arts, writing and even our video games.
Most of our cities only have one newspaper.
Our milk still comes in cartons like this is the middle ages and "The Man" has kept us from finding out about other forms of milk storage.
We have the slowest high-speed internet in the developed world and they want to censor that too.
We have snakes, spiders, giant rats and poisonous jellyfish.
We have ludicrous speed limits and there are police everywhere and they be hatin', patrollin' and tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
We have high tax on our smokes but we still have to put up with the goddamn pictures of the dude with the gangrene.
We wont allow gays to marry.
We suck at pretty much everything except sports and we're fucking proud as all hell about it.
We're a bunch of racists.
We don't pronounce words proplee.
Our streets are bumpy.
Our hip-hop is hook-laden dreck.
Our rap isn't much better.
All-i-ga-tors and din-go babies.
We have that "Idol" relaity TV show except our judges are even worse than yours. Yes they are.
And we aren't allowed to own guns so there'll never be a revolution.

But hey, at least we ain't Canada or some shit....:cool:

You beat me to the Ausfailure rant :)
We're very patriotic, and we live by the creed of Gro Harlem Brundtland (if you don't know who that is, shame on you, I can name pretty much every british PM after the war and most US presidents, SHAME! :p) who said "det er typisk norsk ? v?re god", or, in English, "it's Norwegian to be good". We're so patriotic that it's silly. And we're still fundamentally hospitable. Even if we are turning against immigration.

We are also the world champions of complaining. We're pretty good with winter sports, we have the Solberg brothers and EINAR GERHARDSEN! (To make it easy for you, he was our Clement Attlee, though, he had power for twenty years, not just eight).


So you vote Labour Party, eh? Shouldnt be any complaints from you then. Petrol might be affordable but the taxes for cars are ridiculous. Frankly, its illegal to have a car with a decent engine in Norway. Also, it doesnt matter if uni is free if the quality of them are crap. When was the last time you heard anyone wanting to study in Norway based on the uni quality? Never.

Im outta here in a few years anyway. Enjoy your socialist orgy... :p
Norway's not actually a member of EU, we're rebels! mwahahahaha!
although.. we follow more EU rules than a EU country -_-
This was something I bought up with my dad (who loves everything about the EU and hopes to see the United States of Europe one day) about EU membership, the UK ends up with a net loss of around 4 billion from being in the EU, whilst I believe EEC members pay around 200 million towards the EU. I personally don't really see the need to pay extra money for the UK to be in the EU when they could spend a lot less whilst having the same benefits of free trade.

On the happiest place to live thing, well I'm travelling to Norway next summer to play some gigs and I can't believe how expensive everything is there! That's why we are1 being smart and stocking up on various things in France (yes we are driving!)
EEC is what the EU evolved from (and still sort of formally exists IIRC, whatever), what you guys have in mind is the EEA. Oh, and all EU members are members of the EEA as well, along with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, so Norway is not a military superpower there either.
So you vote Labour Party, eh? Shouldnt be any complaints from you then. Petrol might be affordable but the taxes for cars are ridiculous. Frankly, its illegal to have a car with a decent engine in Norway. Also, it doesnt matter if uni is free if the quality of them are crap. When was the last time you heard anyone wanting to study in Norway based on the uni quality? Never.
Well, I do know a lot of people who study in Norway, and wishes to study in Norway, for the quality of the study. It's not illegal to have a decent engine, it's expensive. And yes, I don't agree with that, but it's not the biggest issue in the world either.

Im outta here in a few years anyway. Enjoy your socialist orgy... :p
Good luck. You vote progress party? You know they're, well, socialist as well? They just want to have their socialist paradise without reasonable ways to finance it.. :)

EEC is what the EU evolved from (and still sort of formally exists IIRC, whatever), what you guys have in mind is the EEA. Oh, and all EU members are members of the EEA as well, along with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, so Norway is not a military superpower there either.
Well, there's some organization. Can't remember which it was.
Well, I do know a lot of people who study in Norway, and wishes to study in Norway, for the quality of the study. It's not illegal to have a decent engine, it's expensive. And yes, I don't agree with that, but it's not the biggest issue in the world either.

I might see someone going to Norway to study at UiO and NTNU but the rest is nothing but average at best.

Good luck.

Thanks. :)

You vote progress party?

I do actually, but when it comes to my actual political pov I should vote for the Conservatives.

You know they're, well, socialist as well?

Yes, but I simply believe that Norway needs a different political route.
I believe you are reffering to EFTA.

Let's discuss the domestic politics of Norway somewhere else and laugh at Nigeria. Nigaz might helpt them though, if they don't get as corrupted as every other part of Nigeria.
I might very well be.

As for the Progress Party, it is irresponsible.
Naming a african oil company Nigaz is just wrong
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Yep, EFTA would suit that description best. Then again it also includes Switzerland, which, I'd assume, is of comparable military strength to Norway.
I'd assume, is of comparable military strength to Norway.

That's what they want them to believe. The upcoming Great Swiss-Norwegian war may prove otherwise.
I should find an English translation of Knut N?rums book "KRIG!" from 2005 for you guys.

To quote the cover:

"This book explains how and why Norway and Holland went to war on eachother in 2005."

It's a parody of another big war that year, between a big country in North America and an oil rich country situated close to Iran.

Good read. :p
Sorry guys, I confused Niger with Nigeria (how on earth could I make that mistake).

Nigeria is actually the lowest in the MDC category, up from the LDC category. Nigaz works!
personally... I think Iceland should be ALOT further down this list.

47% income tax, 37% now, oh and thats the first step, they'll increase that in 2010
unemployment rates 7.4% and is expected to increase in 2010

just 2 points, muuuuch more, everything is getting more and more expensive thanks to like 30 people, those 30 people have ruined a whole nation, nearly everyone is drowning in loans that have doubled and still getting higher

while we are nearly bankrupt, those 30 fuckheads are enjoying life in Luxemburg, France, UK, Germany.

oh well....Iceland was number 1 for like 2 years though
YOU STOLE OUR OIL! that's why your the best, again ;)