Random Thoughts....

Felicitaciones usted ha completado el jusgo con exito

gracias por jugar

TIP use your UV light on the loose floorboard, gold brick, inside the safe and in the hole on the wall where the outlet used to be

the chessboard is on backwards ie: the bottom row is row A
I performed my first speaker refoam job tonight. Surprisingly, it seems to have worked out quite well.
God, I can't get past this stupid combo lock at ALL lol. Reminds me of High School with my combo lock on my locker. There were many times, especially after school breaks, that I couldn't remember the code and how to work it. :cry:

Someone help me :x
Do you have the code?

The code is displayed on the laser pointer
The XX is shown on the piece of paper
It will say something like 38R37L44R11L, meaning, turn it to the right until you hit 38, then turn to the left until you hit 37 etc.
Oh it's a laser pointer!? I thought it was a test-tube with a seal at the open end and some small metal clip in it. I'm sooooooo "!?$%/&?% sometimes! :rolleyes:
Those key puzzles are a bit abstract...
I really liked the first two, but the third one was a bit out there.

It's one of the better online puzzle games I've seen. Overall, really intuitive.
I did it! Silly me. I was going the right number the first time on the combo, but not the correct way for the others. Dur. Finished it too. That last one is a doozey!

You all hate me now...don't you?

The thing about the puzzle, is you are racking your brains for ages, and then when you finish....the ending is a bit anti-climatic.

I was half expecting, I don't know, a trip to Disneyland or a 6 pack of Guinness.
But...paragraph of congratulations in Spanish...:|

My Dad's having a go at it now, but I think he's given up :p
I just bought a 37 inch TV for a room that's about the same size as what you would get in an average hotel. When I went to go pick it up it dawned on me that the thing was a little bigger than I was expecting and my first thought was "Oops!". And it barely fit into my Swift to get it here. Ah well, it looks fantastic. :cool: And I certainly don't have to squint to make out my little MotoGP racer on the 360. But the best part is that now I get all the weird Japanese game shows I want right in my own room!
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