Lens Flair

This photo was chosen as a finalist (1 of 18) for the audizine 2010 calender contest. The final cut will be next week I think. I'm quite happy as I'm probably the only one whose photo was taken with a point n' shoot. Already won some stuff so... woot!

Some experimental stuff. Some of you know i had been asked to take finishphotos of every runner at a local marathon event. This sequence for me describes the pain you have to go through to finish a marathon. Respect to all who did it.

Clickable for high-res on flickr. C&C is welcome.
I've been sifting through my computer account and school and found some old photos from photography class, so I thought I'd post them. Just one for now, as the others are PSD and I don't want to convert them in English class.

Flicked through this years photos tonight and found this one I don't think I've posted.
