The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for continuing to flout your 'secret' abilities in front of other people who do not have the ability to fly
Banned for making no sense at all?!?!?!?
Banned under reasonable suspicion that you are in fact, Dracula.
Banned for not understanding it's a parody of a beer advert. I forgot which one.
Banned because my program has just determined that UCSD is not equal to UCSD
Banned for destroying the very fabric of space-time and logic as we know it. If x is not x, then therefore the universe is not the universe, and simultaneously exists and does not exist. Of course, this can be possible per Schrodinger's cat, the Copenhagen interpretation and the Observer's paradox... Oh wait. Sorry. Carry on.

(BTW please don't be too harsh on me if that's wrong. I've only just turned 15 and I did some reading on the internet. I realise that Schrodinger's cat deals with radioactive decay, not the existence of particles themselves, I only used it under it's basic logic of holding two contradictory truths at the same time until an observation has been made. On the other hand, the simultaneous existence and non-existence of the universe can be possible through solipsism... which has been proven to be a logical fallacy. Drat. OK then, doublethink. There.

Wait a minute, I've just spent all that time trying to prove that LurkerPatrol shouldn't be banned. Drat. Oh well, he's still banned.)
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Banned because aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah what you are say? I no understand the words that are coming out of your keyboard.

(Actually I did, but I needed to find something to ban you for :p)
Banned because SHIT it's 10:13 already?!
Banned because those tv glasses are rotting your brain.