The holiday hat your avatar thread

~1 hour to the first of december
<-- I haz hat too
~1 hour to the first of december
<-- I haz hat too

Your festive avatars built around that one always amuse me.
Your festive avatars built around that one always amuse me.

Thank you, I find them funny myself and sometimes sit and watch it for a minute just for fun :lol:
And I wouldn't dare to change it to something completely different, people wouldn't know who I was :p
can i have a santa hat in this. It's so i can print a Christmas calendar


you didn't say anything about where you wanted it :p

:roflmao: +rep for you

now seriously put it on top of the car ,that'd be the Jag not the Buick in the background, before this turns up into the ?Do not ask finalgear to photoshop something for you? thread
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fine. I had to make the red part stupid shaped because there's not enough space to get it good shaped and I didn't save a PSD so screw you.
aaaaand i must spread the rep around.

Thanks Ramseus, now you're free to do as you want with that pic, Just remember it's Spectre's Jag. Oh, i forgot to mention, Spectre is armed.
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Well the holidays are coming so holiday hat it is!

It's a bit weird, but it'll do until I sort out a new sig+avatar for 2010.

EDIT: Actually, I might holiday hat my signature as well.
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Seeing as December has started I've rolled mine out as well. Yay creativity! Subtle is for the weak. :p
Y'know, it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would.
Some of these are very funny.