You know you...

...your guest appearance consists of beaming down with members of the main crew to Ulicron Four, home of the flesh-eating vine plant.

You know you're going to regret that second bratwurst when...
She complains about the stretching pain a lot, and says "never again".

You know that you have the wrong job when. ...
... you complain about the stretching pain a lot, and say "never again". (haha sorry, i had to)

You know you might just be a warewolf when...
... when you start to realize that you have to stop at a petrol station more often than Jezza had to stop when he was driving his Ford GT.

You know you hate football (soccer for the Americans) when...
...when the vehicle you drive is known as a Chelsea Tractor.

You know your country sucks in the Olympics when...
the weather is just right.

You know your girl is cheating on you when... find another man's dick in her vagina.

You know you've gone way too far and lack a sense of humor when..
you respond with "you find another man's dick in her vagina". :|*

You know you should punch the window of the ferrari parked next to you, hotwire it and drive away when...

*Jk man
... you're a mclaren fan and the place you're taking the long drive is a short pier.

You know it's a bad idea to stand in the middle of a field during a thunderstorm when...
the the basin is full to the brim.

You know your batteries are flat when...
... when you've reprogrammed your cordless phone to change the channels on your television.

You know you haven't gone out in a while when... have 1 GB of disk space left, because you downloaded far too many programmes.

You know you're fucked when...
You try to torrent a 2GB .rar file, and get a warning about not having enough drive space.

You know you've been watching too much anime when...
you walk into a gang-run neighborhood and think you can protect yourself by doing the kamehameha wave.

You know you should probably hang up the cellphone when..
you're called for dinner and you keep saying "slash jay pound sign dining table".

You know you shoulda taken the red pill when
you don't know know what you're eating.

You know school is extremely tiring when...