The next giant LEGO man appears on a beach....

You think that's scary? Imagine how mad your father will be when to steps on that in bare feet.
You think that's scary? Imagine how mad your father will be when to steps on that in bare feet.

That would only work if your dad was Stevie Wonder, you have to be pretty fucking blind to step on that thing. :lol:

"Quick hide it before he sees what he stepped on, he'll go ape shit!"
You think that's scary? Imagine how mad your father will be when to steps on that in bare feet.

You do realize that, for that to work, ones father would have to be about 250 feet tall?

/Either way it would be quite scary...
/\Erorr. Logic entering discussion. Errorr. Does not compute...
I fear CERN are really building a huge army of the big bastards under the alps.
I, for one, welcome our new Lego Man overlords!