How not to tow your 5th wheel caravan


"Be The Match" Registered
Apr 5, 2006
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Notice the "heavy duty" chain and S-hook "reinforcement" to the tail-gate.

Damn, I just noticed this moron has Utah plates.
My dad emailed me this one. The boat I found serendipitously.
Hitch- "CRACK!"
Caravan- *squeaky wheel noises then...* "CRASH!"
Driver-"Oh, crap..."
I'll give him credit for actually coming up with a set-up to support all that weight.
Umm, it's not supporting the weight, the car is down on the stops for the suspension, the front wheels are almost off the ground and if he tries to move the suspension mounts will probably break through the mounts.
That's frightening - it's one thing to do something insanely stupid and risk your own health, but that set-up puts other motorists at risk.
OK danger to other road users = bad, but candidate for entry to the Darwin awards ahoy! UTAH = Mountains?
Yes, we have mountains in Utah, in fact you can see some in the photos.
Utah? That explains it. The dude needs the largest vehicle that can carry all 28 of their children!
Woo! Darwin Awards recipient 2007.
Nice.. propped the tailgate up with a woodie in the old trailer hitch.
Utah? That explains it. The dude needs the largest vehicle that can carry all 28 of their children!

Don't make me come over there.
Utah? That explains it. The dude needs the largest vehicle that can carry all 28 of their children!

ZING! :lol:
You do see quite a few big SUVs around, mostly Chevy Suburbans and the like. The thing is that we really do use them around here. The mountains require more torque and power than your typical van can deliver and these SUVs can hold the larger families and all their stuff while towing the boat to the lake. In the winter it has four wheel drive which is very nice when we get a big storm that dumps two feet of the white and fluffy on us.
Made me think of this one :)


However, we Europeans see it off course a little bit less, erm, big :)

edit: dang, forgot about the youtube tags. Thanks Redliner :)
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