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Random Thoughts (Political Edition)

America wants to get rid of racism by giving ever increasing importance to the concept of race and by defining people by their skin colour.

What could possibly go wrong...

Scott Adams did utter a really stupid comment, and he is being shunned by everyone. I disagree with him and think that's not the right way to approach the extremely sensible theme of race. Particularly in the US, where the discussion runs and is constantly kept on the wrong tracks.
I don't think that banning Dilbert is a great solution wither, as ostracism is not a good thing. I say it would at least be fair if the same thing happened to those who do the same towards white people. But it's not, so it's not fair.

Look at that:

Sane commentary to a racist video.

let's remember that the video that you can see commented here has been online for - years - before being labeled as private. Not removed, deleted, canceled. Just made private. Adams' remarks are tame in comparison, and could well be described as a foreseeable reaction to things like what you can see in that video.

Racism is an illness, and it is impossible to cure an illness with more of the same illness (sorry omeopaths...).

To clarify, to me the right approach to the race issue is "what makes us equal is way more and way more important than what makes us different: human beings are human beings despite their cosmetic differences, and they will behave, react and feel basically the same in all situations, in all places, in all times.
The way out of racism is to stop considering race as important.
Surprise!!!! Yet another bunch of grifters:

Dark money and special deals: How Leonard Leo and his friends benefited from his judicial activism​

The Federalist Society co-chairman’s lifestyle took a lavish turn after he became Donald Trump’s adviser on judicial nominations.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqfwYXb4AYc
Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld joins MSNBC's Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss how Rupert Murdoch, who owns just 39% of Fox, could potentially face “devastating” lawsuits brought by shareholders who have a “duty” to fix Fox’s mismanagement when it knowingly “peddled false information” about the 2020 election.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oStQPFtdiU

Very disturbing story from Poland:

There is a story unfolding in Poland now so awful I can hardly write it. It concerns a young boy who was the victim of a pedophile. The pedophile was convicted; the boy's name was kept anonymous, as the law requires. Unfortunately, the boy's mother is an opposition politician.

In order to take revenge on the mother, Polish state media, with help from the prosecutors office - both now controlled by the extremist far-right - decided to reveal details of the boy's case. He was identified. He committed suicide.

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30% of Americans living in New York City? How, indeed. :D
But the other numbers are also off by an insane degree.
30% of Americans living in New York City? How, indeed. :D
But the other numbers are also off by an insane degree.
it gets even funnier if you start adding things up...
30% of all people living in each NYC, california and texas - so basically nobody living in the rest of the country, yeah?
80% of all people are either gay, bi or trans. yup.
109% of all people ( :think: ) are either black, asian or hispanic.
That is proof that the education system is completely broken here.
yeah... I dunno... seems like most of this shit is due to missing common sense, so that's at least in some way also the rest of the upbringing. like think about what you're saying for a SECOND. nope, can't do it.

anyhoo: i think this nicely shows why all the fear mongering and shit all takes so well... it'd be sad, really, if it weren't so damn funny :|
80% of all people are either gay, bi or trans. yup.
109% of all people ( :think: ) are either black, asian or hispanic.

To be faaaaaaaair...😅...you can be both bi and trans, or gay and trans. You can also be black and Asian, etc, so at least there's an "out" for having such high (even over 100%) percentages there...but, yeah...still way too high.