Random Thoughts....

slippery slope
It starts with drawing animals with human characterists.

Then it goes into drawing completely anthropomorphic foxes, wolves and cheetahs.

It then evolves to "I bet it'd be sexy to have a tail..."

And then...
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Two things you're missing though, Kat's picture is much better than the one you posted, and she'd look way hotter than that guy with a tail.
My ex had a thing for furry porn *shudder*

I wish California had fireflies/lightning bugs. :(
My ex had a thing for furry porn *shudder*

I dated, years ago, the artist of the first two pictures I posted. I'm imagining she's probably by now got a collection of those butt-plug/tail things.

I wish California had fireflies/lightning bugs. :(

Yeah...I wish California had lightning...period. And green. And clean air. And giant 8-sofa bonfires...

And I shouldn't be depressed right now cos just yesterday I was more than happy, but I am.

Find a movie you've missed but find funny.

Or what I would do exactly... take my car out to a track and thrash the hell out of it. If that doesn't make you smile, you need a new car :mrgreen:.
My ex had a thing for furry porn *shudder*

My ex had a thing for fat chicks, and decided to act on that "thing" with my (no longer) friend. lovely guy, he's now with his 4th girlfriend from my group of friends and still secretly coveting another one who rejected him twice already.

Just got home from an amazing first date with my boy ^^ We saw Coraline and it was awesome. Then we came back to my house and just hung out for a while with some other friends of mine who happened to show up right as we got back. It was cool.

And he sang for me...OMG...^^;

That was my day. :D
There is no way to tell you left you rep unless they put their name huh? I wana figure out who wrote ":3" when they repped me :?
^ The rep system is anonymous, and due to some users' constant whining about it it's a bit of a sore topic on the forums.

Don't take that personally btw.

Jeez, either someone's having a killer party, or there's a concert somewhere near my place - which is odd as I'm the 'burbs with no venues like that anywhere near me.
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I figured it was anonymous for a reason, but I just really wana find out! I'm nosey :)

*eye twitch*

Now someone did it for fun! :p Oh well keep it coming ;)
Hmm, it's ironic - I'm usually here feeling somewhat lonely and sad, but the one day in the longest time that I didn't feel like shit and spent most of the day outside and away from the computer, everyone goes depressed and lonely in this thread. :p

Based on how I feel and the current topics of conversation, I'd say things have reversed back to normal already though.
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I can't believe it! It was a beautiful summer day here and yet I get stuck inside for pretty much all of it because I have a cold/flu bug.

This sucks!
I can't believe it! It was a beautiful summer day here and yet I get stuck inside for pretty much all of it because I have a cold/flu bug.

This sucks!

It's really nice here today... thermometer says 11 degrees C, and the sun is blasting down! But I too am stuck inside, studying :(

Get well to you, sir