second car or bike?

You guys know how you always get emails saying boycott the gas companies on this or that day? Well I say we start boycotting Izari by all adding him to our ignore lists.

And miss all this? HELL NO, this made my day yesterday, and it's shaping up pretty good for today aswell :mrgreen:
I guess that makes sense. I just wanted to make sure that Izari knows we're laughing at him and not with him. :p
Honestly, his whole purpose on here is to grab attention... so let's deny him that. I mean the only time he comes on FG is when he either has something or is getting something new and wants to brag about it. He started that thread about his ugly new phone, then disappeared for a few months, and now he's back boasting about getting a second car.

Yeah I know what you mean, like that time he was bragging that he had more genital herpes than anyone else