The ^ < V Game

^ :nod:
< just needs to make it through EOFY alive
v has some tips
^ is unfortunately correct
< is glad it's the weekend
v is almost there too
^ Needs to learn how to turn back time for me!
< Seems to have slept on friday, and woken up on monday
V is wondering where the weekend went
^ :nod:
< had enough of the coughing and aches
v has the magic cure
^ :no:
< not a rum fan
v needs to try honey rum
^ Has to stop encouraging my alcohol passtime
< Will have a drink for no reason at all, if it's there... and won't get drunk
V drinks alcohol so regular, they refer to water when they say they have the occasional drink
^ :no:
< too old to deal with hangovers
v has more resilience
^ might fare better if she was on the correct side of the equator
< tested his limit quite a few times, but has never been hung over
V has had enough of this
^ :dunno:
< forgot to get new headlight globes today
v knows a sneaky way to change them
^ needs to attach lanterns to the front of her car
< Has driven his car the headlamp clusters completely removed from the car
V Is not going to risk trying this, especially at night
^ is correct, being that it's a dark and gloomy winter here
< should be going to work right now
v has invented the instant transport machine
^ seems to have done this before me, because I was unable to post for a long time, as if I was in some kind of time warp
< Is now out of this time warp
V Is ready to flash my memory
< whoops, buttons
v ducked
^ snort
< yawn
v belch
^ :nod:
< can't, has to go to werk
v will do the monthly reports for <