The ^ < V Game

^ Yeah and I think its rubbish. Its a James-May-shirt-alike, and I'm pretty positive that unless I'm color blind, his shirt was pink/purple striped. Therefore I'm plenty close. :p
< Is a fashion geek and owns way too many striped articles of clothing but will continue to buy more.
V Thinks this is a little weird.
^ yep
< ready to tear eyeballs out and kill people
V has not achieved anything today like <
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^ dare I ask if it involved a toothbrush?
< suggests ^ gives 'puter a stern talking to
V has a funny story to tell at parties
^ I suppose I have a few.
< I was brushing my teeth while making the face. You know, a last minute picture message before bed. I said embarrassing, not gross.
<'s computer is back to normal.
v Anyway, moving along...
^ changing the subject
< wondering why Hillary Clinton is STILL opening her mouth on TV
V has a far better imagination than me, and posts in his new thread
^ Clearly knows more about US politics than me.
< Runs low on creative energy, but still tries.
v Pick a number.
^ 40?
< Just finished my homework, which was a project on stocks that we started in September and even though I had a partner for it I still ended up doing the whole thing myself. ><
V Hates it when that happens.
^ Nah.
< Control freak.
v Lost every virtual penny on the stock market.
^ and some not so virtual ones
< pissed that the interest rate is going down
V doesn't care
^^ Just about.
^ Not really...
< Really won't miss economics class next semester. Though I do need to make sure I have all 8 periods filled next semester..
V Has a different schedule set-up.
^^I care. My money is making shit (though it's better than my parents who went against what I told them and invested in a rubbish stock. I told them to invest in Apple back when it was $30. idiots.)
< Has 5.
v Has 0?
^ again with the being right
< gotta go for a bit
V will keep playing
^Won't we all be?
< Bored
V Bored
^ran away because it was just so boring
< about to try and sleep
V had a better night than me
^ Doesn't either
< Waking up
v Already woke up