What Are You Reading?

I've started reading "The Good Soldier Svejk" about a week ago, then signed up to re-take an exam to increase my grade and dropped it in order to try and study. Should pick it back up in the next few days.
Written while he was still coaching the Bulls.

Picked this book up at the bookstore at the airport when I was booted off of my flight for a later one. It's actually pretty damn decent, really.

Finished the first eleven books of the amazingly pulpy Survivalist series.

Now reading Alamut (in English). Enjoying it so far.

I love Jon Krakauer so much!

And this:

.NET Book Zero , a free electronic book by Charles Petzold.

For 9 years now I've only coded in C++, last time I used Java was in university, and I have never used C#.

I need to be the main support guy for a C# project in 2 weeks, the person in charge of it going away on vacation/paternity leave.
^ The documentary that Proenneke shot is also worth checking out.


There was nothing in the Cross 'The Inspector' didn't know. He walked the line between the crims and the cops and saw the best and the worst of both sides of the law. Snitch is his story. He knew the good cops who only wanted information and the dirty cops who demanded money. He rubbed shoulders with loan sharks, racketeers and brothel owners, some of whom were the finest people he'd ever known, and others who were the scum of the earth. A fast and furious journey into Sydney's dark underbelly, this is the true story of someone who was in the thick of the scams and rorts, the power struggles and the gang wars, the betting rings and illegal gambling, and the rise of the Ibrahim empire. It is also the story of a man who traded information with both sides of the law...and lived to tell his tale.



Bought these two today. I've only started reading the James Bond book but it's not too bad so far.

mind = blown

Kind of a brief history of physics for the first half but the meat is the latter half with all the newest string theory thinking.
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I simply LOVE this book.