Car Hygiene and some other stuff

So apparently rules aren't the only thing meant to be broken then. :|

Anyway I don't care what you do in the passenger seat of the Land Rover, just as long as you don't stain my seats (they don't make Cobra seats in this logo pattern any more). I'd say you can't touch the controls but once the harness is strapped up you can't reach anything, and they're all on the driver's side anyway.
I do not care about spilling stuff etc, smoking however will not be tolerated and cause murders.
I'm quite bad. Well it's more of the problem that my town doesn't have a self service car wash. I can't believe that a college town only offers professional detailing for all of the 10 or so car washes in town. That's absolutely ridiculous. And yet, a town about 100 miles away has like two of them. I'm not driving all the way there just to wash my car. Pfth.

It's quite dirty though, I blame the trees. Trees and their pollen. The rain has been washing only the hood and the trunk off, not the roof. So the hood/trunk top look nice, but the roof is all dirty along with the side of the car. The interior is dirty, but I inherited it quite dirty to begin with. It hadn't been cleaned in 4+ years. When I go back home I'm going to give the car another cleaning to get rid of the grime and vacuum it up. Otherwise I don't really have anything my car. I prefer the car to be clean, my friends all have dirty and item-filled cars.
So we are supposed to eat with our toes?
You must have very talented toes. This is the most impressive thing I can do with my toes
Please tell me you didn't draw that with your feet or something... Because if you did you draw better with feet than I do with hands! :lol:

On a more related note, I don't really care. If I buy a car it'll be 35 years old, so the interior will smell anyway and the outside will probably be caked in mud most of the time. As long as nobody stains the seats I doubt I'll care, bad smells can be febreze'd to death.
Is that a Trogdor? o-o

Better than me, I can't do anything with my feet at all because I have a weird second toe. It arcs over my third toe.

But yeah, I still feel bad about not washing the car more often, but I don't really want to pay $40 for something I could do myself if I had the right equipment.
It clearly is a unicorn.
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But the C- and those two pointy things in the middle-ish area look completely like a Trogdor. =( Sorry man.

If it's any consolation I can't even hold a pen in my toes.
I run mine through the automated wash about once every other week. They have a free vacuum, and a thing that you feed your floor mats through, that cleans them very well.

I started to see a few tiny rust spots. I took care of them, but with winter coming up...I don't want any more rust to start in dirty nooks and crevices.

And I despise the smell of cigarette smoke...nasty!
^ It's a shiny chrome exhaust tip that I need to clean.

re: feet--:lol: Wowwwwww. Now that's a typo! Fixed now. Weirdos eat with their toes, not their hands.

I will break both hands and feet if you eat in my car. Because I can.
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Ahh, sorry about that. I got the idea of the thread, then lost it, then the thread lost me
I clean it once a week, almost without exceptions.. before this (new) car I had 8 years old one and it was the same drill.. I just can't stand being in dirty surroundings, whether it's a car or house.. :)
I don't have a pattern, when it's dirty, I clean it.
It happens about once a month. I washed it the last couple of weekends cause it was warm and
I have a borrowed pressure washer.

Thing is, in the summer, when it's warm, I'm on the bike most of the time so I don't really care what the car looks like.
In the fall/winter it's more often, but I take it to the car wash, the guy does a good job. If there's rain and snow, I only clean it inside.
It's because I drive a lot, and I like it clean...ish.

The bike is a different story, I wash it more regularly. And I'd like to detail it one day, just
take it a part as much as I can and clean all the bits that I usually can't reach.
I live on a dirt road and drive a yellow car. It would be an excercise in futility.
As far as the interior, when the junk (clothes, paper, part boxes) reach the bottom of the seats it gets cleaned.
I used to do it like every 1 or 2 weeks but that wasn't working out since I started to get cheap with my money, my car is pewter so it doesn't really show as much. The front 2 rims get so dirty tho, it annoys me, I can't really go outside and wash my car since its freezing nowadays (thanks winter), and I keep losing the towels that I bought.