Don't throw away your newspapers!


Angrily shouting at Klauwds
Jan 18, 2006
Wooflepoof's idea for his friend's gift has got me thinking. My kid is due any day now, and i'd love to be able to make something unique.

So here's my idea: I'd like to get as much front pages from newspapers from all over the world, to make a unique book about what was happening in the world on the day my little one was born. I don't care if the newspaper isn't in roman writing, as long as it's from the proper day.

If you want to include a personal message to the kid, please do so.

I might be donating an amount of money per received item to the site....

Of course i will post the news of my kid's birth as soon as i can on this forum so you can start sending away :)

The address is:
Michiel Dijcks
P.O. Box 1631
5602 BP Eindhoven
The Netherlands
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People still take the paper - as in *shudder* hard copy? Ewww.

EDIT: seriously? A neg-rep for that? :lol:
"you are whats wrong with the world and why millions will lose their jobs"
Apparently I'm what's wrong with the world because I don't take the paper, even though I have never taken the paper in California and my family canceled our subscription back home when our local paper was bought up by a multi-national news conglomerate and quality went down hard and fast. I think we decided to cancel when they ran a picture of a duck as the entire front page.

I was about to post a bit here about how the quality of journalism is abysmal, how editors and reporters don't even know how to form complete thoughts anymore and that one only needs about a 5th grade reading level to read what qualifies as journalism these days. I was contemplating going on about how the world changes and online news sources are here to stay and that most papers have websites that bring in revenue. I could further point out how much "greener" online news is than all that ink and paper.

I was going to do all that, but then I realized that whomever negrepped a post that I made with my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek could not pull the stick out of his ass with a team of Clydesdales and a tractor. I am "what's wrong with the world?" Are you serious?

Time marches on and there are all kinds of jobs that don't exist anymore because of changing technology. It's life, learn to deal with it.
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This was the front page of the Mirror the day I was born.
This was the front page of the Mirror the day I was born.
Hmm, I can send a Hebrew front page. You'll understand nothing though, but anyway... :rolleyes:
I'm in aswell, another from Belgiums! :woot:
This was the front page of the Mirror the day I was born. :mrgreen:

I'll get you a danish one :D
I'll get a copy of the "West Briton" (Local newspaper) which always had headlines that are a bit odd, or I'd just send you my copy of The Independent.

I like this idea too, you kid will not only know what was happening around the time s/he was born but also what was happening on a local level at the time s/he was born

EDIT: Do you just want it on the day of your kids birth or around that day?
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I can acquire for you, the best of newspapers, hewn from the greatest arbor sources of the Orient, and emblazoned with the finest inks of Africa.

Or I could just send you a copy of "?????" You know, whatever. :p
News...paper? Is that like if I were to print out
peter wins, not only is the headline hilarious, but all the other parts have double entendres too. 'go for gold' being the, erm...