Awesome Thread

You'll hate them even more when I tell you how they came by it. The thing was built by apprentices at the Crewe factory and raffled off for charity. The guy who won it had young kids so it sat in the back of his car for a few weeks while he stuck it on eBay. Because it was buyer collects my mate's parents were the only bidders and got it for less than ?200!
So Halloween happened last night, and as always, my parents prepared ahead of time with a whole load of candy ready for the eager kids in costumes. Just like every year, they'd gone and bought a nice big variety for the kids of the neighborhood, because everyone has different tastes and it will look bad having just a couple different things. Thus, they went to the store, and pretty much took a few of almost each. Made sure to take all kinds of stuff in terms of content, shapes and sizes.

Then Halloween day comes and out comes the candy from hiding. I say hiding because my parents know how I act in the presence of sweets and they knew it wouldn't last long unless they were hidden, but it was a few hours away and even I couldn't gobble that much. So in I go, grab a couple of them, and head up to my room to browse some good ol' FG. I loved all of them, the little mars things, the butterfingers ... but the ones I liked the most were the strange ones. They're like this hard candy ... much like lollipops, but they have their insides usually filled with jam and concentrated sugar. You don't get much of the taste as you suckle on them, but once you get past the hard outer layer, you can bite in and release the sugar. So I take this candy to see what it was. At first, there wasn't much taste, in fact it tasted kind of strange ... bitter, yet sweet at the same time. I kind of liked it after a while, it was something I've never experienced before. Kind of got me excited to see what was in the middle. Usually, when you have a candy like that, the outer layer gives you a preview of what's inside. Strawberry candies taste like strawberry, cherry candies taste like cherries ... but this one was different. So after I got the layer soft enough, I dived in for the kill.

The surprise that came next had my face contorted sideways, as I wasn't expecting such a strong taste hitting my mouth all of a sudden. Everytime I try it, I usually breathe in first and swallow quickly enough, but this time it was stuck on my tongue for a few seconds. So after that wee bit of an adventure, I went downstairs to talk to my father about it. Needless to say, he and my mother haven't looked at the candy they have bought, which was apparent after a long session of questions going between us. So I showed him the wrapper that came with the candy I just had. His eyes opened wide as it became clear to him what he was reading on the wrapper. And on the wrapper, the content was clearly shown in large red letters, quite easy for the naked eye to see: "Rhum".

So we spent the next 20 minutes going through the bowl of candy we had prepared for the trick-or-treaters that would be coming anytime now. It was not that the kids would mind, but mostly we would mind ... having the cops coming to our door with complaints from angry parents and wrappers of candies with such names and Rhum, Vodka, Whiskey, Curacao, etc. So we made a separate, smaller basket, as candies for the parents, and my father had to go to the store again to get more candy for the kids. So as we served the kids and the parents, it became apparent that both types of candies were a success. In fact, by the end of the night the "adult" variety was almost all gone.

So what does that say about my parents and my neighbors? They're awesome.
How was your Halloween, btw?
My halloween was just wonderful. My eggs were stolen out of the fridge (remember I live in Uni halls of residence at the moment) and thrown at 3 windows on my floor, including mine. Add to that all the noise at fucking 1am.
Mine was......intresting.
We went to the cemetery to pay our respects.

Oh, right, halowe'en! Yeah, we don't do that around here.
Back to the awesome:

This has got to be one of the most badass things I have ever heard: during WWII a certain Polish unit, the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish II Corps to be precise, had a certain Private Wojtek among their ranks who beyond any doubt was the most badass soldier of all time. Why ?

Because Wojtek was a fucking bear

I cool is that. And it wasn't like he was "just a mascot" - I mean he was actually, officially enlisted as a soldier, just like any other guy wearing boots. Germany's PR and propaganda machine seems like child's play - they had, and I can not stress this enough, A REAL LIVE BEAR enlisted in their troops !!


Not so funny anymore now is it ?
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Bison chased by Grizzly

Follow link for pics.

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - The man responsible for snapping the dramatic photographs of a bison being chased by a grizzly bear has surfaced, providing Q2 with 14 more pictures and the end to the tale.

Alex Wypyszinski had just dropped off his wife at work and had a few hours to kill one morning last April.

Wypyszinski says he likes to spend his free time in the morning snapping photos of wildlife in the park.

Of course, he usually has to search the animals out.


It all started when he was driving in the Fountain Flats area, located between the Madison Junction and Old Faithful, when he heard an unusual sound.

But Wypyszinski says any noise is unusual on that particular highway at 7am.

"I thought it was a horse and carriage," said Wypyszinski. "That was the kind of noise that I heard."

By the time he turned around, the two fuzzy brown images were racing quickly toward him.

Wypyszinski pulled out his camera quickly, thinking he was going to catch two moose racing down the highway.

He quickly learned he was mistaken.

"I thought I was having a hallucination or something," said Wypyszinski. "I couldn't believe what that buffalo looked like."

It was a bison, badly burned from an encounter with one of the numerous hot spots in Yellowstone National Park.

The sight of such an injured bison alone is rare, but what Wypyszinski saw next was once in a lifetime.

"Never, ever, ever," said Wypyszinski. "I've seen plenty of bear, and more buffalo. But I've never seen anything like that before."

A grizzly was chasing the buffalo (which was practically cooked already) and gaining quickly.

Wypyszinski stopped his car on the desolate highway and took out his camera.

"I stood along the car as long as I thought it was safe."

The two beasts passed the man by without paying any notice.

The result: these 14 hair-raising pictures.

We pick our tale up where the photos end.

Wypiszinski says once in the safety of the woods the bison out maneuvered the grizzly, escaping to live exactly one more day.

Park rangers had to put the bison down due to the injuries it sustained.

Wypiszinski said the whole event was over just as quickly as it happened.

Just another day in Yellowstone National Park.

Tell us what you think of these photos on our facebook page "Like" us.
They need to put a car seat in there that can fold forward and close the lid. May need to build one for Forza.