The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for... well, ditto.
Banned because yours dont.
Banned for having 0 rep power
Banned because I dont know what that means
I actually reliased that after I created the reply, but didn't change it

Banned for Never thinking of the future!:D

There, I looked at your sig. Happy?:)
Banned for banning me for puting on a capital on Never
Banned for banning me on banning you for putting a capital letter on never.
Banned for banning me for banning for banning me for puuting a capital letter on Never

Jeez, that was hard and confusing to right
Banned for banning me for banning you on banning me for banning you on putting a capital letter on never, and still putting a capital letter on never.
Banned for banning me for banning you for banning me for banning you for banning me for puting a capital on NEVER, (I think thats right)
Banned for not bothering to remember what we did in the past 10 minutes
Banned for writing "NEVER" in all caps as an act of defiance.
Banned for the fact that you are still fighting over the fact that I put a capital on Never
Banned for using full stops.