The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for not understanding.

Right! Here goes...

100% = 1, right? Or another way to put it, 1xDanish Power.
1% = 0.01, so 1% Danish Power is 0.01 x Danish Power

Sorry if I'm going a little slowly for you, don't feel I'm treating you as an idiot, I'm just making sure you understand.

So therefore, 1104% would equal 11.04 x Danish Power.

Now because the Zenvo ST1 has 1104 bhp, what that means is that 1% = 1 bhp = 0.01. As there are 100 0.01s in 1, that means that 1 Danish Power = 100bhp.

Again I must be treating you like a 10 year old, or unless if I'm not, which having said this would just probably insult you further.
Banned for making me not know what to answer q:
Banned for not making me know what to take in with that. Did you get it? Or was it because you're insulted? I NEED ANSWERS!
Banned for making me say something off topic.

The reason why i did not understand was because for some reason "Banned for having a sig suggesting that the whole of Denmark only produces 100hp." was to advanced for my english to understand ;)
Banned for being a small guy
Banned for being a large cat, fahrn fahrn fahrn auf den autobahn.
banned for german
banned for antigermitism
banned for not explaining what a "germit" would be, and how that applied to ashspet. Is it a german Muppet based on Kermit the Frog?
Banned for making me read that twice to understand it (funny tho)
Banned for being far smarter than me at age 14. You sure you're not 20 or something and the years went by really fast? ;)
Banned for stating you drive an Iguana.... pics or perma-ban! :p
Banned because the correct term is riding. Oh FD, yes I'm the smartest in my class. I have to thank my former friend from many years ago, who had really strong political views for such a young age, encouraging me to see the world as it really is. Without him, I'd probably still be watching cartoons.
Banned for thinking conversations were allowed in this thread.
Bnned for not checking what time zone I am in.... I had granola with raisins for breakfast (in milk).
Banned for being i a different time zone.