The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for being foolish! :D
Banned for not showing love for the newer Volvo lineup :p
Banned for bringing the Ovlov into this thread.
Banned because Volvo's are always invited!!
Banned for more delusions...

(so, in Karoug Spectre in disguise???)

yep, not as funny as I thought in my head.
Banned for Spectre's love of anceint Jags and hate for modern Jag, even the XF.
Banned for nonsense. I cannot be banned for Spectre's beliefs.
Banned for making sense, the internet is meant to be totally random.
Banned for assuming you know the point!!
You are hereby banned. Please put your clothes back on and get out of my house!
Banned. I want Karoug here! Can I make myself a sandwich?
Sandwiches are banned here and so are you.
Banned because I am eligible for one of the best Junior Colleges in Singapore! :D :D