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FG Music League Season 2

Since @Davetouch in the comments pointed out how far metal has come since the days of Hair Metal, I just wanted to point out how backwards and in a way harmless the "L.A. scene" sound was even back in the day.
When Girls Girls Girls by Mötley Crüe got released, just off Sunset Strip in South Central, metal sounded like this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnRZhLRv6eM

And only 400 miles North in the Bay Area, you got:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bW2DMOeDEM

Sweden was up to this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woe_4gkS4XU

In the deindustrialized mining districts of Germany, kids of Italian immigrants were up to no good:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQsy0bJhZ0M

While in Northern Germany, fun was had:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmhN2l2pizk

Oh, and the Brits also were doing something...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg9aQvjMS60
(all linked songs were released in the same year or before Girls Girls Girls)
Not a single bad song here. :cool:
As for Mötley Crüe, I can. Not. Stand. Them. Hair metal in general isn´t for me obviously being more in the thrash camp. Hanoi Rocks however is a whole different matter and Mike Monroe is an absolute gentleman IRL.
Hanoi Rocks however is a whole different matter and Mike Monroe is an absolute gentleman IRL.
Like most people who frequent Helsinki rock bars, I have some pretty "washed-out rockstar" Andy McCoy stories to tell...
Like most people who frequent Helsinki rock bars, I have some pretty "washed-out rockstar" Andy McCoy stories to tell...
Mike lives in Turku and it´s not uncommon to run in to him every now and then. He´s always as flashy as on stage and nobody I know has had a bad run in with him. Me included.
First time I saw Andy he was at The Riff, super drunk, shouting into his phone, making sure everyone knows he's "talking to L.A.". Super obnoxious.
First time I saw Andy he was at The Riff, super drunk, shouting into his phone, making sure everyone knows he's "talking to L.A.". Super obnoxious.
Absolutely sounds like Andy
Second time I saw him he came into The Riff carrying a huge pendulum clock, walked around all weird, then left again. Returned later, still with the clock. Left the clock at The Riff, went out again.
That was at least not shithead rockstar, but eccentric and weird.
Second time I saw him he came into The Riff carrying a huge pendulum clock, walked around all weird, then left again. Returned later, still with the clock. Left the clock at The Riff, went out again.
That was at least not shithead rockstar, but eccentric and weird.

Cross-posting from music league chat because it's kinda important I feel (as important as a stupid music game can be):
Don't want to be an ass, but if people submit their votes within 20 minutes of the almost two-hour playlist being released, so without a chance to even skip through the list once, why are we putting in the effort of picking songs at all?
So, my brain did a shart when posting one of the insults reviews, so whoever posted the Abba song, I hope you can forgive me.
Time to forget, send me a letter
Say you forgive, the sooner the better
Hasta manana baby, hasta manana until then

I drink because of Music League.
And now I'm wondering if someone changed their entry, or did Music league just cock block me for fun.

This would've been my initial pick, in case anyone is interested. Hopefully enjoyed with headphones / sound system that can deliver good bass, as it expands the soundscape of the song nicely.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLqeGeqmDww
@IceBone one of my favorite bands! Good pick!