Idiots + Winter - The FAIL Collection Thread

Indeed, but there is a difference between 'forcing' people not to kill each other and medling in every single little trivial matter, like what sort of tyres people put on their own car.....Don't worry, I don't expect you to understand.

Exactly. They missed us with V2s and goosestepping so they got us with burocracy instead.

"Nein, nein, ve vill bomb zem with paperverk!!!"

You sound like this to me:


And all while you know very well, that rules and bureaucracy are as bad in your country, as in ours. Maybe even worse :p
Talk like this is why you had your country carpet bombed last time......
That's a quite extreme interpretation of the quoted statements, don't you think? Today the level of education, awareness of extreme political currents in Germany and the level of democracy and self-determination are way higher almost everywhere in the world so events like before WWII would be scotched immediately.

One example: this weekend there was the 70th anniversary of the bombing of L?beck on palm sunday 1942 (yes, I use this example because it was just this weekend and you brought up WWII). There were 120 neonazis "commemorating" with a "funeral march" but 3000 other people demonstrating against that "commemoration". On every other occasion where neonazis "commemorate" or "demonstrate" there is a counter-demonstration of at least 20-30 times the participants. The concept of democracy is so tightened in our heads now that even a worldwide financial crisis like in the 1920's (where Germany had to pay reparations after WWI) doesn't affect it.

Regarding the statements which caused this excursus: why is there a warning sign on the coffee cups at McDonald's that the coffee is hot? That should be common sense, too, but apparently it isn't so it has to be pointed out. The same goes for proper tires for the season, that has nothing to do with "we have to rule Germany now and tomorrow the whole world" or something. If we only trust in common sense without legislation nothing would function at all. Oh well, I always said we should remove every warning sign so the problem will solve itself pretty soon, but that's wrong, too, apparently...

tl;dr: shut up, every other country limits self-determination to a certain extent, sometimes, but not necessarily for your own good.
Ever heard the expression : when there is a thunderstorm in Cologne it rains in Brussels?

You can't sleep next to a scruffy dog for all those years whithout catching a few fleas....

*edit* I was offcourse responding to MacGuffin.

@ Eye-Q , the warning on a Mc-Donalds coffee cup is only there to protect againt lawsuits should somebody fumble and burn himself, something no doubt coming from the fact MC-D's is an American brand in this case.

And I agree every country limits it's people in one way or the other, as it should be, I am not an anarchist, nor do I want to see the world burn (well, you know).
It's just that the sheer ammount of idiotproofing legislations is looking less and less like improving and advancing live, but shaping it, guiding people in a certain direction, telling them what to do, how to do it, when to do it, with who they tell you to do it, all in the intrest of the 'common good' wich is a load of nonesence.
Germany just seems to be leading this charge, eagerly using the European union to spread their ideas on what's wrong and what's right.....'adapt or be punished' seems to be the European way these days, sound familiar?

One day we will wake up to an alarm clock set by 'the powers that be' when we will be directed to get up , shower using a predeterminded amount of water and soap, get dressed in an approved uniform, have a predetermined 'healthy' breakfast from a fridge that only opens on the proper times to eat, just in time for a pod to pick us up and transport us from our assigned housing to our assigned jobs via a predetermined route.

Welcome to the free world.
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Regarding the statements which caused this excursus: why is there a warning sign on the coffee cups at McDonald's that the coffee is hot? That should be common sense, too, but apparently it isn't so it has to be pointed out. The same goes for proper tires for the season, that has nothing to do with "we have to rule Germany now and tomorrow the whole world" or something. If we only trust in common sense without legislation nothing would function at all.

These rules and warnings are tailored for the lowest common denominator. Taking tyres, if 99% of the cars have proper rubber and 1% doesn't then this 1% will negatively affect the 99%, hence legislation is required to protect my freedom of not having an idiot slide into me when he is on summer rubber in the snow.
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Regarding the statements which caused this excursus: why is there a warning sign on the coffee cups at McDonald's that the coffee is hot? That should be common sense, too, but apparently it isn't so it has to be pointed out. The same goes for proper tires for the season, that has nothing to do with "we have to rule Germany now and tomorrow the whole world" or something. If we only trust in common sense without legislation nothing would function at all. Oh well, I always said we should remove every warning sign so the problem will solve itself pretty soon, but that's wrong, too, apparently...
These rules and warnings are tailored for the lowest common denominator. Taking tyres, if 99% of the cars have proper rubber and 1% doesn't then this 1% will negatively affect the 99%, hence legislation is required to protect my freedom of not having an idiot slide into me when he is on summer rubber in the snow.
The problem is not the legislation itself but rather how you, narf, are proposing it. We are arguing that it should be left up to the local municipalities (or at most the state itself) while you are proposing a nationwide legislation.

Let me offer this argument, imaging the EC decides that autobahns with no speed limits are unsafe and creates a blanket 120km/h limit in all of the EU, would you (and fellow Germans) be happy about this particular change? Of course you wouldn't be because history clearly shows that there are no safety benefits to this. This is the same idea, places that do legitimately require snow tires or chains either have some sort of legislation or have other means of punishing for not using them (insurance for example). Also people who do live in those places tend to recognize that need and use the "propper" tires for the job. Under your idea I would have to keep a set of snow tires for the two days that NYC had snow this winter....
These rules and warnings are tailored for the lowest common denominator. Taking tyres, if 99% of the cars have proper rubber and 1% doesn't then this 1% will negatively affect the 99%, hence legislation is required to protect my freedom of not having an idiot slide into me when he is on summer rubber in the snow.

The problem is not the legislation itself but rather how you, narf, are proposing it. We are arguing that it should be left up to the local municipalities (or at most the state itself) while you are proposing a nationwide legislation.

Let me offer this argument, imaging the EC decides that autobahns with no speed limits are unsafe and creates a blanket 120km/h limit in all of the EU, would you (and fellow Germans) be happy about this particular change? Of course you wouldn't be because history clearly shows that there are no safety benefits to this. This is the same idea, places that do legitimately require snow tires or chains either have some sort of legislation or have other means of punishing for not using them (insurance for example). Also people who do live in those places tend to recognize that need and use the "propper" tires for the job. Under your idea I would have to keep a set of snow tires for the two days that NYC had snow this winter....
Keep in mind that when it comes to vehicles and transportation, in many ways, the "United States" behaves less like a country and more like a combination of other areas (much like the EU). Narf talked about the T?V and the MOT. We do not have such a thing on a national scale. This is decided on a state-by-state basis. Some states choose no or nearly-no inspection, while others have strict inspections. Recommending a US-wide law is effectively equivalent to recommending an EU wide law.

Also remember that the states are the ones who issue driver's licenses.

I understand that the comparison breaks down in many ways, but for things like "whether or not the tires are safe and should be equipped," it stands.
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The problem is not the legislation itself but rather how you, narf, are proposing it. We are arguing that it should be left up to the local municipalities (or at most the state itself) while you are proposing a nationwide legislation.

I believe you're thinking of a different discussion. Your post is the first that mentions levels of government, so far that wasn't a concern. The main point was roughly this:

Darwin is being undermined by all these laws that protect the stupid and allow them to breed.

No distinction between federal, state, county, city, whatever law - just "law". Your irrational fear of the US federal government has nothing to do with this.

For completeness' sake, I wouldn't mind an EU directive that requires national governments to mandate rubber appropriate for the prevailing weather.

Under your idea I would have to keep a set of snow tires for the two days that NYC had snow this winter....

Either that or don't drive on those two days.

If you have a flat tyre, do you go and drive for a few days despite that because you don't have a spare immediately? No.
If you need glasses or contacts to drive and break them, do you drive without those for the few days it takes you to get replacements? No.
If your headlights break, do you drive at night for a few days until you get a replacement? No.
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new fucking thread, people....

One day we will wake up to an alarm clock set by 'the powers that be' when we will be directed to get up , shower using a predeterminded amount of water and soap, get dressed in an approved uniform, have a predetermined 'healthy' breakfast from a fridge that only opens on the proper times to eat, just in time for a pod to pick us up and transport us from our assigned housing to our assigned jobs via a predetermined route.

You might. I won't.

Anyway, back on topic it seems to me, that this winter wasn't full of failure. This rather fruitless discussion about winter tyres proves it.

It kinda reminds me of a talk I had with a colleague of mine long ago. He reported about his wife crashing her car into a ditch because of a slick road surface on her way to work and he said, that there was nothing she could have done to avoid it, that she was a victim of circumstances.
And I asked, if his wife was involved in a mass accident.
"No", he said, "she was the only one who crashed".
"Did she have winter tyres mounted?"
"Well, then it's clear to me that your wife could have done something to avoid the accident after all: Driving slower or mounting the proper tyres. Otherwise everybody would have crashed their cars in that spot".

He didn't speak to me for a week or so.

Anyway, it's spring now. I guess this thread needs to be awoken again in December or so, hopefullly with more winter failure next time.
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Come on southern hemisphere! Blind_Io need some summer time entertainment!
There won't be much, the only non-mountainous region in the southern hemisphere that gets reliable snow is Antarctica... and I hope they have some experience with moving around on snow and ice. No trees to crash into either.
There won't be much, the only non-mountainous region in the southern hemisphere that gets reliable snow is Antarctica... and I hope they have some experience with moving around on snow and ice. No trees to crash into either.

They also mostly have non tired vehicles :p

I'd drive around w/ broken headlight but that mainly has to do with the fact that they are really unnecessary in my area.
Well, considering we didn't have much of a summer, and with all the rain, we should be having a bumper snow season!
Quick, jump off your country and push it farther south, I wish to be entertained.
This far enough South?

can skip to 7:20
I love how they bragged about one of the most horrible shortcomings on the beetle: the heater and defroster.

You do know that the nazi salute was invented during the VW prototype testing where the drivers had to keep driving with one hand over the defroster vents to check if there's any heat yet.