Random Thoughts....

Woot, PGR4 is going to have a GMC Cyclone! A Ford Escort Cosworth...Delorean...M1, E60 M5. I am going to love this...weird thing though. The Delorean is under British...I thought it was Canadian.
nope...built in northern ireland.
Come on, we all know that gold star was for finally being potty trained.
Come on, we all know that gold star was for finally being potty trained.

:lol: Im Level 2 now. Whatever Level 2 is.
I think one of these is in order

Unrelated now, uni is annoying me....
I try less than I did last semester and my marks have gone up considerably (not that it's a bad thing :D) :?

I'm sick of uni. On a two week break now which is good. Got a boatload of work due soon though; 10000 word report for the Office of Rec and Sport, stats assignment, media journal and folio, microeconomics shit, design critique...and then exams. Most of it should've been done a while back but its hard to find the motivation...:rolleyes:
Unrelated now, uni is annoying me....
I try less than I did last semester and my marks have gone up considerably (not that it's a bad thing :D) :?

I'm sick of uni. On a two week break now which is good. Got a boatload of work due soon though; 10000 word report for the Office of Rec and Sport, stats assignment, media journal and folio, microeconomics shit, design critique...and then exams. Most of it should've been done a while back but its hard to find the motivation...:rolleyes:

Chalk me up as another who is furiously bored with school. It's been four years now and I feel as though in the last four weeks of class, I haven't learned a single new thing. Granted I have a job in the field I'm already studying (real world experience IMO is better than theory learned in university) and all these classes seem to be just repeating what last years classes are saying. Maybe it's the classes, maybe it's the teachers, or maybe it's me... but I feel like I'm just wasting time and money.

/About a week ago we started my one class discussing why dogs bark for 18 minutes.
//400 level collegiate management class...
///....why dogs bark....
////18 MINUTES!
What was your class's conclusion? Pedomorphosis? :p

No we went from there to the Apple website and watched that one hour long, fourth quarter product launch video on their main page. Nothing special, could have done that at my home.

/teacher's Swedish... dunno if that has anything to do with it.
Great, I feel the same way. I've been in uni for 4 full years and one extra semester. I'm so unmotivated to do any work now... I'm just counting down the days until graduation.

But the same thing happened to me in terms of grades. I used to do more work in year 1/2 and I got worse marks. I guess you just get the knack of what uni profs are looking for after a while, so the work becomes easier and better.

I try less than I did last semester and my marks have gone up considerably (not that it's a bad thing :D) :?
Damn. I've only been in school for a year and half a month, and already I'm tired of it. I don't even know what to do with my life.

Today I learned something about daoism in my Chinese history class: something along the lines of how anything you strive for will be disappointing later in life. Our teacher hammered this idea into our young, nubile minds for a good 10 minutes. So basically, this magazine journalism program I'm trying to get into (I'm undeclared at the moment) is going to be disappointing and pointless, and I'm not gonna go anywhere in life. I wish my motorcycle was finished so I could just ride that across the country instead.


"...makes me feel young again."