Speed camera BOMBing!!!


Forum Addict
Aug 1, 2006
So tragic! Speed camera exploded!!! Must have been the sonic boom from Santa's sled.


thanks Santa, I wasn't a good boy this year, but you still got me what I wanted!! :)
{sigh} Again with the Brit amateur night....

You don't use a bomb to get rid of those things - bombs are very loud and they attract too much attention not to mention the wrong people could get hurt.

The way to do it is to make some thermite (ingredients for which are readily available in most home improvement stores), put a couple ounces in a soup can or something, stick a short length of magnesium ribbon or wire into the thermite to provide a fuse, put the assembly on top of the camera box, light the fuse with a torch, then calmly leave the area and watch from a safe distance to ensure nobody gets hurt.

The magnesium will burn down and ignite the thermite, while the can serves as a shroud to hide the bright light of both the fuse and the thermite. The thermite, when ignited, will heat to several thousand degrees Fahrenheit; the glowing mass will then burn a hole through the bottom of the can, through the camera case top, through anything inside, through the bottom of the case and into the pavement within a minute or so. Problem solved - quietly, quickly and efficiently - and nobody will be the wiser until the morning.

Of course, this is all theoretical, I would never endorse the use of such a device ever! :rolleyes:

All the more so since the traditional method of removal of such devices in Texas is to pull it down or run it over with a truck.
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Santa FTW!*

*even though he forgot my Porsche.
{sigh} Again with the Brit amateur night....

You don't use a bomb to get rid of those things - bombs are very loud and they attract too much attention not to mention the wrong people could get hurt.

Well, it's terrorism really. They're trying to send a message rather than efficiently eliminate cameras. I'm sure if they could take the camera hostage they would. Might be some good ransom money. Maybe send out a few clips of de-lensing. That'd let the establishment know they meant business.
Spectre, I must disagree. While your method is quiet and terribly efficient, it WILL attract some attention, since the thermite will produce, literally, a geyser of bright flames and sparkles climbing up to a couple of meters... By night this is like saying "hey, look at me, I am here!!!". Too shouty...

I have the right solution. Black spray paint. Simple, cheap, fast, invisible.

Clearly I am not suggesting such a use for black spray paint, but this is what you can see happening sometimes where I live. ...or hammering your way through the casing and steal the whole camera away...
Spectre, I must disagree. While your method is quiet and terribly efficient, it WILL attract some attention, since the thermite will produce, literally, a geyser of bright flames and sparkles climbing up to a couple of meters... By night this is like saying "hey, look at me, I am here!!!". Too shouty...

I have the right solution. Black spray paint. Simple, cheap, fast, invisible.

Clearly I am not suggesting such a use for black spray paint, but this is what you can see happening sometimes where I live. ...or hammering your way through the casing and steal the whole camera away...

Yes, but that is simply and easily repaired at little cost. The (theoretical) objective would be to make it so expensive to operate and continue to replace the cameras that the authorities would give up (thermite's ingredients cost pennies in the amounts we're talking about, cameras and housings cost thousands.)

The can (if properly done, note that I'm not giving details) would shield the visual effects of the burning thermite until the molten mass had entered the camera housing, so no significant visual flare. Also, if you do it in the middle of the night, few people will notice any flares you might have.

As for 'hammering through the case,' Texans have been known to use a different kind of 'hammer' to get to the camera - and don't have any intention of stealing it once they get in. :mrgreen: It's done through yet another rapid oxidization reaction. :D
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Well, a couple of guys got inventive here a couple of years ago. We have white vans with the non-static speed cameras in them. Car with a few guys pulled up near one and engaged camera operator in coversation. Third guy unscrewed the van's plates. They got back in their car and drove away. They then reattached the van plates to their car and proceeded to drive through multiple speed traps. An hour later, returned to the van, and reattached the van plates to the van.

Heap of fines got sent to the Speed Camera Unit.
A few years back there seemed to be some sort of campaign against speed cameras, I remember seeing ones cut down on the A1 and there was a lot of stories of people shooting them, blowing them up, burning them etc.

We need to get back on that. The burning tyre full of petrol hung over it seemed to be particularly easy and effective.
I must agree with the Texan. After all, what are they going to do if it gets noticed? Put out the thermite? That's the bloody THING with thermite.

Once the speed cameras gain their foothold outside school zones and construction zones here, it's on.
Wrap them in saran wrap:
- the flash bounces all over the plastic and messes up the exposure
- no one can really see it
- cops go "du-ummm?" when they see the pictures

Usually the swiss are very neutral and peacefully, but nevertheless they also have developed some violent methods

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Yes, but that is simply and easily repaired at little cost. The (theoretical) objective would be to make it so expensive to operate and continue to replace the cameras that the authorities would give up (thermite's ingredients cost pennies in the amounts we're talking about, cameras and housings cost thousands.)

Who's paying for speed cameras anyway?
Pointless vandalism, but that is one ugly speed camera. Buy some of ours, they're much nicer. Why yes I am a shareholder in the company that produces them.