The "Blame ______ for _______ Game"

I blame pineapples for being all spiny and prickly - they arent a friendly fruit but they sure are tasty.

Roger Federer
I blame Stefano1337 for not playing this game properly.:p

(Unless if you were refering Roger Federer as god, in which case Raphael Nadel is statistically at least better.)
blimey sorry, i'm tired :)

here we go again:

I blame Roger Federer for taking all the love out of tennis.

L Ron Hubbert.
i blame jordan for making pink wedding dresses tacky!
I blame everyone for not reading the rules.:D

Mao Zedong
I blame Mao Zedong for the Sino-Indian war.(well not hiim personally but who he represented)

Low jeans.
I blame low jeans for encouraging fat people to show off their ugly crack.
I was too grossed out to find a pic to put here.

End pseudo-spoiler

Blame the interwebs.
I blame the interweb for making it possible to put out spam =P

General Motors
I blame GM for stealing all of Saab's money. They're good cars damnit!

Bill Bailey.
I blame Bill Bailey for causing the arguable decline of Never Mind the Buzzcocks (which is still very funny) by leaving as Team Captain. It just isn't the same without him.

Simon Amstell
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I blame me for fucking up the "caption competition" by using a picture that grossed people out.