Lets see what happens when a car sits in water for 50 years...

God damn is that Falcon sweet. I don't care for the subs (I like good sound, but not to that extent), but damn is that a great way to paint a Falcon.

Avoid the Noid. Dominos should give that little bastard a comeback tour.

I wish there was some way we could follow the work on the car, but I doubt any updates will be posted till the car is finished. As I said before it will probably be two months till then, and the episodes probably won't air till the end of the year. That is a long time to wait for fresh cannon fodder.

I have an idea though. I say we all pool our money and buy a Bluesmobile with the giant megaphone on top. We then have someone drive by the shop several times a day, day after day, telling Boyd just what we think of him and what he should be doing to the car. Just picture it.

"Leave the car alone! Stop what you're doing right now and give it to a shop who will do the right thing with it. Do not rape another classic"

"Hey Lee, you RULE! Why do you put up with these guys?"

"If you cut, chop, channle, french, rake, lower, raise, remove, or add anything billit to that car you will be sorry"

"Charlie, Scott, and Mike send their love"

Hehehe. If you guys wanna chip in for the Megaphone and the car, I think I can get ahold of my old co-worker who lives up the street from his shop. He'd probably do it on his way into and away home from work. :)
We could also rearrange soundbytes of Boyd to have him praising Foose. I seriously think that would drive him up the wall. We could also have the stupid Boyd quote of the day. There are all kinds of things we could do to make his life a living hell.
God I hope they don't give Boyd free reign over the car.
I hate to bump this after almost a year, but there's been some news on the car. I'm not totally sure, but it looks like this Ultra One company is indeed going to restore and rebuild the car, not just remove all the rust. Here's some progress pictures I was able to dig up.


I just don't see it being worth the time and money it's going to take.
Honestly, why bother? That's not a car, just a car-shaped pile of iron oxide.
Even if they do get it roadworthy again there will be so much new metal that the car will basically be a reproduction.
Wow, there is alot of effort going into that one. I wonder how much money is going to be put towards the resto.... losts probably.
Jesus, I thought my motorcycle was bad.

The inner restorer in me wants to commit seppuku with an English wheel and a can of PB Blaster. Somehow.
not why. but why not ? its a classic. and all classic should try to be preserved. granted however.. thats pretty F'in bad!!! but comon.. can anyone say.. Christine?

holy sh*t, i know of the existence of the car i also saw some pictures a year ago but these pictures :cry:

I though my Jetta had some serious rust problems but that car <_<

Hope to see it back on the road again some day :) (it's just such a great car!)
Another year has passed, that means it's time for another update on the car. I was able to dig up two news stories on it here and here. More of the rust has been removed, but the car is obviously in bad shape, the frame is so bad it won't even hold the weight anymore. I don't know why they're even still bothering to clean up this car, it's just a waste of time and money since basically everything would need to be replaced.

What reminded me of the car after all this time was this autoblog story.

Well, see you in another year. :p