Lens Flair

Needs more depth of field. Put your camera on a tripod and stop the lens down a ways. And clean that shmutz off of it :p

Ah I knew someone would mention that, thats just dirt on the piece of paper I used. And I don't have a tripod... but I'll try messing with some other settings and distances.

I only use a point and shoot, so no fancy lens to swap out and adjust... I have yet to make that step.

One from the summer, incidentally, think it was the last time I seen the sun aswell ...
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Playing around with my new toy...


(no, not the film camera, the SB-600 ;) ...this thing looks huge on my D40!)

The external flash made this really easy. That backdrop is just a few sheets of cheap white letter paper. I exposed for the black camera and the paper was nearly washed out, making it very easy to mask out and fill with white in PP.

EDIT: ew, I just looked at that in another monitor, I think my first monitor was off. Re-uploaded...
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Camera porn time? :mrgreen: Here's a quick snapshot from a couple of days ago, when I tossed my cameras on a glass shelf and "beautifully" arranged a string of led lights on top of them. Just a documentary shot with an old Powershot, so nothing photographically amazing here :p

^ I have the SB600 too! Really great flash! And it is huuuuuge, even on my D50. :lol:
On another forum I called that "A challenger appears". That's obviously a Canon and an afront to a Nikonian such as myself. :p

And you need to clean your keyboard!
From last weekend
still :heart: my fishy