Random Thoughts....

You can't really find true love at 16. :unsure:


No really, Its hilarious how many 'relationships' end followed by people thinking its the end of their lives. A recent new bait of couples have appeared, so I'm just waiting to see how long they last :p
Having relationships when you're 16 is like work experience for the soul.
If you go in to it already liking the person more then a friend, you're doomed. It IS possible to have a fuck buddy and not get attached :p

I thought the whole idea was to "attach" wink wink nudge nudge
I'm suffering from the wrath of "long island iced tea" today.. The best part is I think i managed to get myself in the local "entertainingthingy-paper" while being under the influence of said drink...
As long as it wasn't a photo of you yelling at the toilet, or passed out on a couch with magic marker all over you.....
^Nothing to embarrassing I think, just me looking drunk and retarded.. :p
Where in HL2 are you stuck? I've been replaying it again and I've already taken breaks to beat Episode 1 and Lost Coast.

In the prison where we're there to rescue the dad. I'm at the point where I have the three turrets to defend the station, get to the final wave and then WHAM! I'm dead :(

Ha! I remember that part of the game. I even posted a screenshot of my "solution" somewhere on the forum back then. Let me find it. Here we go:


This game kicked so much ass.
Dudes, blueberry bagels are for the win - who agrees?
Bagels aren't the done thing here is Aus. We have them, but they aren't that popular. Blueberry muffins instead.
Yeah, I know bagels aren't too popular outside North America. I got my British cousin hooked on them once, she had never had them before.

Also, muffins always struck me as tasteless and bland... if you're referring to English muffins. If you mean muffins like cupcakes then that's a whole different matter since they're more like pastries.
Blueberry Muffins > All. That is all

Have you ever had a bagel?

And what do you guys mean by muffins? The sweet pastries or the dry English kind that has absolutley no taste and is supposed to be buttered?
Well over here scones are not the same thing as English muffins.

English muffins are good, when they are part of a McMuffin.
Yes I left the 'too' out when I first posted - it is as nice - I probably prefer it actually for afternoon tea. Any how Delia cooks. ...