Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

Too much lovey dovey crap in my robots and explosions movie >:{
Too much lovey dovey crap in my robots and explosions movie >:{

What, you couldn't handle the horny robo-dog humping? :hump:

This move was like eating a big, fat, grease-foaming-out-of-your-mouth cheeseburger. It's a guilty pleasure in the truest sense.

The 3 crazy battle sequences splattered in between what resembled a regular MB movie more than made up for the rest of the crap. It's probably cliche to say it, but give the guy props on knowing how to blow shit up on screen.

And give the visual effects guys a major raise, they deserve one.
I loved wheelie, he is awesome. The "say I love you" crap was bleh.
Good movie only because it was a lot of blow up action and good CG. Acting was worse on Megan Fox's part, Shia LeBouf... eh, he was better in the first movie but not by much. MF (Megan Fox) was only cast in this movie because she is hot and will get guys in to the theaters to see her in tight fitting outfits while being tossed around even if its a shitty movie. The part with her "airbrushing" while on the bike.. that pissed me off!

Jetfire (the SR-71) was awesome! I wish he didn't die too :( Also wish they would've delved more in to the story behind it all other than snippets and their damned style of spinning around a stationary figure. I actually got dizzy from those scenes. :mad:

The twins were annoying to say the least. Wheelie makes me want an R/C truck :)
MF (Megan Fox) was only cast in this movie because she is hot and will get guys in to the theaters to see her in tight fitting outfits while being tossed around even if its a shitty movie. The part with her "airbrushing" while on the bike.. that pissed me off!
I don't get her appeal.

And really, if you're going to a movie about giant fucking transforming robots beating the shit out of each other and your reason is "hurrr the chick is hot", then you may be compensating.
I don't get her appeal.

And really, if you're going to a movie about giant fucking transforming robots beating the shit out of each other and your reason is "hurrr the chick is hot", then you may be compensating.

TBH, I openned this thread up expecting tons of pictures of her from the movie...oh well.
You should be a motivational speaker!

That's the one!

Good Lord, it was awful!

edit: wanted was the worst movie I've ever seen.

Wanted had some completely awesome action scenes that I could watch over and over again - if I had seen this in middle school I would have probably grown up to become a psychopath. But yeah, the plot was pants-on-head retarded and was a total wind-up...

Also, this:

Jetfire (the SR-71) was awesome! I wish he didn't ...
Thank you for putting that part between spoiler tags,
NOT ! :thumbsdown:
The english language knows no word for how much this movie sucks. I was expecting a mindless-but-entertaining action extravaganza with lots of camera movements, lots of EXPLOSIONS, lots of slo-mo shots of stuff getting destroyed and a hot babe thrown in for good measure, all that spiced up with some propaganda about the U.S. military saving the world while the civilian leaders do nothing.
What i got was mindlessly boring two-and-a-half hours with dialogue that was bad beyond believe, stupid jokes and even more stupid mythology: Why bother explaining all this junk about where the robots came from and why they are on earth if all the main plot points (Why does The Fallen hate humans? If the Transformers were 'round since the stone age, why do the Autobots turn into cars? If they have Terminators (see: hot chick at frat party) where's John Connor?) are left unexplained?
The big robot fight (not the "comic relief" fights with the twin Autobots) were stunning, visually. It's no wonder that they used the A.S.C-member cinematographer (the better one) as a visual effects supervisor, not for the camerawork istself. Just why can't you hire writers and a director who can come up with a decent script? Nothing intelligent or oscar-worthy, just something that does not make you cringe whenever anyone opens his mouth. How stupid all sequences not involving giant battles were (Main guy moving out, Megan Fox "at work" pinstriping, the whole college segment) has already been pointed out in this thread.

On top of that: Even if this movie is not about "logic" or "realism", the number of easy-to-spot continuity errors (even in the first viewing) and moronic ignorance of basic everyday life facts (like skintight white jeans not still being white after three days in the desert - and Mrs. Fox would even look hotter if they'd be dirty) just makes you wonder if they simply gave 199 million Dollars from the reported 200 million Dollar budget to ILM, so everything else had to be filmed for a dime and a half on some studio backlot in 1.5 days.

To SV: It is possible to make a fun, action summer blockbuster that still has believable characters. Watch Jaws, for example. Ebert is right in some way here. Critics should not be killed, obviously the are needed to remind people like you that a film can be both a fun action/SFX experience and have a plot. We don't have to settle for only one of these.

EDIT: I wanted this to be the mindless actioner that Terminator was, but should not have been, and Hollywood failed me, again! At least Terminator was fun as the mindless actioner it should not have been.
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Fricken loved it. Bay has shoe-horned comedy gold all over this, it was hilarious and much better than the first.

Bumble sulking :lol:

What the fuck did Bay do to the parents? They were ridiculous.
Bumble can't talk? His voice was flaming though.
Where's Barricade?

Fave quotes...

"There isn't a tighter shirt, we checked"
"I had a mild panic attack earlier.".... "That's just cos you a pussy." :lol:

July 4, 2012... I am here, I am waiting.
I have seen waaay more complaining about her than anything else.

What's there to complain about? Like the movie, just turn off your mind (not that the blood will be going there anyways) and look in the general upper chest area.
The parents had pretty funny lines in the first one....but not in ROTF....
all ill say is.... forget the plot, forget the questionable acting by some and forget that megan fox looks like an absolute dirt-bag-ho-face for the entire movie (yeah i dont like her) .... just sit back and watch awesome robots, awesome explosions, a rail gun and a cool ending

its not a film for people looking for something intelligent... its very much a sit down, switch off, enjoy the ride film

the CG guys defo earn their pay on this movie, its just epic... i wonder how the hell they even start!!!
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all ill say is.... forget the plot, forget the questionable acting by some and forget that megan fox looks like an absolute dirt-bag-ho-face for the entire movie (yeah i dont like her) .... just sit back and watch awesome robots, awesome explosions, a rail gun and a cool ending

its not a film for people looking for something intelligent... its very much a sit down, switch off, enjoy the ride film

the CG guys defo earn their pay on this movie, its just epic... i wonder how the hell they even start!!!

And i repeat: It is possible to have this kind of movie without cringe-worthy writing and acting. Not necessary intelligent, but funny in a, well, funny way. Imagine how good that movie would have been with John McTiernan at the helm and "Predator"-style dialogue.
its not a film for people looking for something intelligent... its very much a sit down, switch off, enjoy the ride film
I won't blame my brain for kicking in when the crap reaches such a level of stupidity as this movie has.

It had a few good jokes I didn't expect but overall I'm glad A) I didn't spend more than 4.95$ on this and B) I went in with very low expectations.