Awesome Thread... [Automotive Edition]

Is that Jay Kay's? He also has a purple Diablo from memory.
Black is really the only color I like the Enzo in.
But it is true that Jay Kay has a purple Diablo. Diablo SE to be more specific.
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Holden Monaro


Nuff Said
Heres a non-embeddable video.
I don't know if theres a youtube version, and I'm way to tired to check. Accidentally clicked on this one as it is, but then heard the sound.

Oh my. The sound is pant-messingly awesome! (and terrifying at the same time).

I need that noise in my life!

That's awesome, it looks insane, sounds absoluutly menacing, it, it, the hell can it be french?
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*grumbles under breath*

Still a bunch of cheese-eating surrendermonkeys......

Although you can't deny they can throw out gems of awesomeness when they can be bothered to do so. Unfortunately... the frequency of that kind of moment is indeed quite low. :p