Random Thoughts... [Automotive Edition]

I'm just glad the two near me have been removed (Middleborough Road and Springvale Road Nunwading), those two were just plain and simply fucked.
Blackburn road is even worse, especially since there's a roundabout.
Over here it just says SPEEDING XXX after a certain speed, so to combat hi-scoring.
Was driving down to DFW earlier and a semi truck right in front of me had a tire blow out and explode into several hundred pieces. It sounds cheesy but I saw the thing explode in slow motion and managed to get into the luckily open other lane with just a light showering of tire shreds hitting the car. Now I have a legitimate excuse for not liking following large vehicles.
I see tire shrapnel on the highway all the time, almost daily. I share a similar fear.... also I notice they have an increased tendency to kick up rocks.
Just arrived home from college via my dad and his beater accord. (Fits the definition of "carbage" to a t) Tried jumping the failturn to no avail, checking cables for tightness, etc.

There's no greater pain then having your dad gloat about the reliability of a car he only paid 600 bucks for. He has a point, even though it has no radio, broken seat adjusters and no door handles inside, at least it starts. :p

Lets see how this'll fuck up my chances of working my current job this summer.
My car had a rough idle this morning, felt like it was going to stall. My mind is in two places about this; either it's a bad tank of gas, I just filled up the other day, or something is amiss with the engine. I really hope it's a bad tank of gas and not the engine.
It could be a number of thing. Try the cheap fixes first like cleaning your air sensors.
Bad tank of gas is an outdated legend from the 80's. It doesn't exist anymore. Look for the problem elsewhere.
Was driving down to DFW earlier and a semi truck right in front of me had a tire blow out and explode into several hundred pieces. It sounds cheesy but I saw the thing explode in slow motion and managed to get into the luckily open other lane with just a light showering of tire shreds hitting the car. Now I have a legitimate excuse for not liking following large vehicles.

That's why I really dislike running along next to such vehicles on my motorcycles and will blast past them when possible. Exploding tires behind me generally are not a safety concern. I've seen what a flying tread can do to a car; I have no desire to discover what it does to a motorcyclist first hand.

The lone exception to 'don't hang out near semis' is if I am in a car on a long trip and drafting the semi. (I have a CB radio and usually enquire of the trucker if drafting their vehicle is okay.) Then the mudflaps protect against most of the debris hitting my car - but only if I'm directly behind the thing.
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I see tire shrapnel on the highway all the time, almost daily. I share a similar fear.... also I notice they have an increased tendency to kick up rocks.

I know, I see tire shreds laying in the shoulders and occasionally the middle of the road all the time, but this is the first time I've actually seen one explode. I see exactly how they're always spread out over a somewhat large area now too.

I kind of wonder what the cars behind me thought of the way I reacted. I was actually about to change lanes anyway so when it exploded in the span of about a second and a half I thought "oh wow that really just happened." Then "oh crap that's a cloud a tire shreds I'm about to drive through" and then I check the mirror to see that there are no cars in my blind spot and simultaneously turn on the blinker and pull a quick emergency lane change. Didn't even touch the brakes. Probably got hit by a dozen or so small pieces but I don't see any damage, it's disguised by bug splatter if there is any.

I think I'll bump my following distance for semis up to 3 or 4 seconds.
Yeah trucks are scary. I make a habit of making sure I can pass them in one go as I know something about blind spots and I don't want to be in theirs if they change lanes. :|
My car had a rough idle this morning, felt like it was going to stall. My mind is in two places about this; either it's a bad tank of gas, I just filled up the other day, or something is amiss with the engine. I really hope it's a bad tank of gas and not the engine.

I think your problems started with buying a VW :p
I have a sudden desire to require a starting sequence to be performed before being able to start the e30

it would be 1st, 3rd, 4th, 2nd, steer left, steer right, steer left, steer right, brake, accelerator, key to accessory, key ignition.

+1 first person who gets the reference.
Really, the Konami NES cheat code yet again? :p Up, down, up down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start.
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