Random Thoughts....

It has come to my attention, that a Nintendo DS is much, much too small for my hands to use comfortably.
They cramp up after about 5 minutes.

Not good, luckily it's not my DS.
Service station FinalGear mini-meets ftw! :cool:

This !!! Sooooo nice to discuss everything automotive. None of my friends are into cars and just see them as transportation....I know, right ?

And it must have looked like a scene from a Tarantino movie....three blokes discussing cars in some petrol station, discussion filled with chassis codes and technical terms....so much fun :mrgreen:
Has everyone seen that movie Ken Park with the scene where the kid is watching the womens tennis? Highly disturbing.

That whole movie is a bit disturbing.
There are times I fear the writers at "Businessweek" and "The Economist" are trying to get me to kill myself.:| They are some depressing people.
I finally decided to get an Avatar!
Aughh. I was going to pick up my cheapo student copy of Windows 7 at the student bookstore, but got entirely too distracted by fumbling the giant stack of books for class to remember the big pink "take this to the cash register and get your copy" slip in my purse. Drat.

Today: check to see if my other books are in, finish cleaning, or get a pedicure and some curry?

I think I'm leaning towards the latter. It's my last day of freedom before classes start... :(
Great, after this episode yesterday, I'm feeling super sick today. Random parts of my body hurt when I move, my nose feels as if somebody had filled it up with concrete, and my skin's on fire. :(
Sounds like it's to bed for the day + chicken soup and panadol. :hug:
On Facebook, I am a fan of Tweed. Tweed has gone overboard and decides it want to be atheist tweed. Since when has fabric have anything to do with religion, or the lack thereof? One thing is for certain: Tweed is displaying it's own stereotype, that being flaky and eccentric. Tweed has also lost about 300 fans in the span of an hour, too.
um............since when has fabric had anything to do with a social networking site?
'Tweed is grumpy, Satin said no to his invite to the prom' :lol:
Boo. I am certain that my cozy tweed loafers are...inanimate objects with no opinion on anything, except perhaps "gee, this floor is slippery" and "trim your dadgummed toenails, woman!"

Pedi time it is, then.
Currently in a fierce bidding war against two other chumps. And there's a day and 15 hours still left.
Better be a Triumph or else. :shakefist:
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