The "Things that annoy me" thread

Malicious UI design is a thing. Especially in this case, I suspect it may be a case of "make it as confusing or annoying as possible so people don't actually pay off their shit in full" :| assholes. also why I would never ever accept a credit card where I have to actually do anything myself in order to clear it out. not even sure that would be legal over here (as in: there has to be an option to automatically clear the balance before any interest is due).
To be clear, I can take the number it spits out and then manually enter in in another window that pops up when I click the "other amount" button. It's just annoying that the shortcut button to an impossible amount exists, but I have to select, copy, open a new window, and paste the actual number manually.
It's just annoying that the shortcut button to an impossible amount exists, but I have to select, copy, open a new window, and paste the actual number manually.
Oh yeah, understood! The cynic in me just thinks that that particular hurdle / annoyance is a fully conscious design choice by the makers of the app...
It's 8am and I'm sitting at my diabetologist. According to their system I don't haven appointment I have an appointment at 13:30h, but I never would have agreed on such an inconvenient time since I'm always booking months in advance to have a work-friendly time. This means I now have to wait for the diabetologist to squeeze me between two other appointments or come back at 13:30h...

OK, the appointment at 13:30h has been inserted today when I stood at the reception just to remind the diabetologist that she should squeeze me in. Nevertheless when I receive an appointment and I insert it into my Smartphone calendar they definitely told me that date and time so they did, but didn't insert it into their system...
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Interesting fact - while I think it's super cool that tools like Slotti allow small business owners to have online booking systems, they work by connecting to people's google calendars. Which means that if you set up an appointment in person and the service provider (say, Otto of Otto's Barbershop) puts it directly into their calendar, it does not go back into the booking system, meaning you don't see it in the frontend, you don't get reminders, etc (at least the system "knows" the slot is booked since it looks for vacancies in google calendar)...
@_Jules_ just had a minor panic moment when her hairdressing appointment did not show up in the booking system (at a point where getting one before the holidays is near-impossible), but a quick Instagram DM to the hairdresser (that's the future, communicating to service providers via DM) confirmed the appointment actually exists, so a reverse Eye-Q in a way.
Meanwhile, here I am with the same hairdresser (shop) for 20 years (not even kidding - weird, right?) and I've always made the next appointment during the preceding one. hence, when they introduced their online booking system a few years ago, nobody told me about it and so i didn't bother registering. at some point they had the very german GDPR info letter for me to sign and from that point on I somehow got SMS reminders of my appointments on my phone, but never an email.
now that my regular hairdresser (person) is on parental leave (it's not been that same person for the last 20 years, just the same shop), I'm suddenly stuck with having to make regular appointments and would love to use their online tool for that because I hate having to call people on the phone with a passion. only I can't. because it seems I do have an annount in that system (hence sms reminders) but it doesn't know my e-mail address. so i can't log in. plus: i can't just register a new account, because my old account is "blocking" my phone number (which you can't register without). plus plus: my old account carries a bunch of store credit. ugh. seems like I'll have to call them after all... because when I just email them, they don't respond.
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I was fiercly loyal to my Berlin hairdresser, even let my poach by her twice when she switched to different shops. Now, here in Helsinki, my main worry is that my hairdresser's music career takes off and I'll have to find someone else...
I was fiercly loyal to my Berlin hairdresser, even let my poach by her twice when she switched to different shops. Now, here in Helsinki, my main worry is that my hairdresser's music career takes off and I'll have to find someone else...
The hairdresser is in a band called "The Clients". Does not compute.
Also, I go to the barbershop and just sit in whatever chair is available.
Results vary, but I can't complaint since it's a 12€ /10 minutes job.
seems like I'll have to call them after all...
alright then, update time.
my e-mail actually IS in their system. however, the system refuses to send me its magic link or password reset emails. they just never arrive (no they're not spam either). what DID arrive in the end was the confirmation email for my appointment. ugh. i hate badly made shit like that. why have magic link login etc and then not manage to actually send the mails? wtf?
I had the same hairdresser while I was living in Oslo from August 2009 until he retired in March 2020. He had apparently been working as a hairdresser in the same shop in the same end of the same street (Bjerregaards gate) since 1968. He had no appointment booking system, you just went in and got a haircut, sometimes I had to wait up to 30 minutes for it, other times there was no wait. During my stay there the price went up from 150 NOK in 2009 to 200 NOK in 2020 for a standard male haircut. I used to pay him cash for a long time, until about 2015 when he started using the digital payment service Vipps (by DNB) which almost everyone has around here, so payment was super easy.

Since he retired I have been using Cutters, it's cheap-ish, and everything (including payment) is handled on an app, that tells you when it's your time, it works fine, but I'm paying almost twice what I used to do.
Growing up in the small town, the one barber n the town was also our elementary school bus driver. As a little kid, he cut my ear with his scissors twice.
Growing up in the small town, the one barber n the town was also our elementary school bus driver. As a little kid, he cut my ear with his scissors twice.

Modern day Vincent van Gogh.
My phone camera is acting up... iphone 13 pro, so I am considerably annoyed by this.

When taking video, the phone will record a weird phantom noise, a combination of extreme wind noise (without any actual wind) and a sort of loud ticking sound. it makes any video completely unuseable. and there is no way to get rid of it reliably. sometimes turning of stereo recording helps. sometimes changing from 1080 to 4k helps. sometimes rebooting the phone helps. but it always just gets rid of the issue for maybe one recording or two, sometimes the noise will just go away after a few seconds of recording, sometimes it'll only start after a few seconds. it's there whether I have my wallet on the phone or not. there are threads about this exact issue on apple forums from 2.5 years ago, so I don't think expect there to ever be a software fix for it, since the issue seems kinda rare.

also my phone is out of warranty or anything, so while I could just go to apple and tell them to fix it, I fully expect I'd be paying out of my ass for it. monkeys.
Slight annoyance but still annoying. Yesterday evening while we were getting ready to sleep my engagement ring dropped somewhere in the house. It had been a bit loose for a while now but so far my joints have been more than enough to keep it in place. Resizing has not been an option due to it being made out of titanium. The better half took it lightly "It´ll turn up". When I can I´ll turn this place inside out. :/
AI generated "articles".
I use Google News and it usually serves me good articles, written by people, about subjects I care.
Sometimes an AI abomination comes along, and this one was nearly unreadable, but the image was what caught my eye:
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Is this a game where the one who spots all the errors wins? :razz:
  • The lower half has three big dividers per quadrant instead of two
  • Additionally the small dividers between those big dividers are inconsistent (for example between "9" and "40" there are three dividers, between the "40" and whatever is supposed to be in the lower left there are four, then there are only two in the two divisions towards the 6 o'clock position)
  • The divider widths and lengths vary wildly around the watch face
  • Why are there a 30 and a 40 on the watch face? :think:
  • There are two 10s (or a 10 and a 19?) instead of a 10 and an 11
  • If there is a number at the 11 o'clock position there should be one at the 1 o'clock position as well
  • The numbers on the (I guess) stopwatch part are obviously all over the place
  • "SπEICO" where the date should be?
  • The fonts are very inconsistent both in the numbers and the letters
  • The majority of the bezel is smooth while only a very small portion is corrugated
  • I don't think the wristband would hold like that, there's not enough room for a pin which goes through the wristband to fit into the watch body
  • The angle of the top knob looks wrong
Is this a game where the one who spots all the errors wins? :razz:
  • The lower half has three big dividers per quadrant instead of two
  • Additionally the small dividers between those big dividers are inconsistent (for example between "9" and "40" there are three dividers, between the "40" and whatever is supposed to be in the lower left there are four, then there are only two in the two divisions towards the 6 o'clock position)
  • The divider widths and lengths vary wildly around the watch face
  • Why are there a 30 and a 40 on the watch face? :think:
  • There are two 10s (or a 10 and a 19?) instead of a 10 and an 11
  • If there is a number at the 11 o'clock position there should be one at the 1 o'clock position as well
  • The numbers on the (I guess) stopwatch part are obviously all over the place
  • "SπEICO" where the date should be?
  • The fonts are very inconsistent both in the numbers and the letters
  • The majority of the bezel is smooth while only a very small portion is corrugated
  • I don't think the wristband would hold like that, there's not enough room for a pin which goes through the wristband to fit into the watch body
  • The angle of the top knob looks wrong
Good job!
I'd also point out:
  • SELD
  • The pointy hand(?) pointing left
  • The 3 over the 12
Whenever I need to replace a piece of cookware I really like, I can never seem to find a good replacement.