The Post Your Pets Thread

If you want to complete the set then get a Kitler and call it Adolf.
Pair it with a very dramatic cat and call that one Pussolini.
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Just found out my cat died this morning.

Just had a phone call from my Mam, a neighbour found my cat Molly this morning in the road injured, she had been run over by a car. The vet recognised her when she was brought in, they tried to save her but the wounds were too bad.

This is her she was a Norwegian Forest Cat half breed, I got her in May this year as a kitten.



I'm just sitting here in shock, I need a stiff drink, I can't believe she's gone. :cry:
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Taken the day I got her, she bonded to me instantly.


She also had a mischievous side and used to treat things like her own playground, such as the drying frame. In this picture she is only about 4 months old.


She also loved climbing in high places, in her short time, she got herself up on a few neighbour's roofs, including once climbing to the top of a very tall chimney, she couldn't get down so we had to climb onto the roof to retrieve her. Here she is climbing a wooden trellis in the garden.

:hug: Always hurts to lose a pet, doubly so if they are taken from you too soon.
I remember her.
Sorry for your loss, Lightning. :( I honestly believe that if we didn't live at the end of a road (very few moving cars and even then only slowly) ours would've had some close calls, hate to think about it.

Lexi usually won't stay still when I get my camera out but tonight she was obviously either feeling like a bit of modelling or was just being lazy, she actually let me go and get my camera and take photos without moving.

Not sure if worthy of the Lens Flair thread but I'm very proud of this shot, she looks incredibly cute with her fluffy winter coat.
