Knight Rider: Fears, Hopes, Concerns?

Autoblog really nailed it. He must have been sitting next to me while I watched it.

Fuck, I actually had a slight hope this would be good. :(
I just watched it now and felt embarrassed for them somehow.

It was utter crap!

In what kind of a program does the girl strip in the first 5 min? Also, if your going to get the girl to strip, get a really hot one and not that ugly one they had.

As for the show, I don't know if you noticed, but during the Spyker and Kitt chase in the interior shots, Kitt's rev counter was stuck on 4,000 rpm the whole time. It didn't move at all. There were so many more mistakes that I can't even be bothered to write them all down.

The transforming shit was ridiculous. That attack - pimp - rice - dragster mode, made me sick.

Also, how come the first time Kitt transoms into the pickup he has the red light bars on the bonnet then he doesn't on the next transformation.

Way too much crap to put in one post, but I'll watch the next episode nonetheless. It's a shame though that the pilot was so much better than this.
The sad fact is, a show like this will never work, due to the 4.2 trillion product placements they need.

p.s. Bring back Mr Daniels... preferably without convertible mode.


My fear is that this show will have a long run.
Wednesday's Ep was better than the last, still needs a few more epps of improvement time though.

Side Note: Why the hell can't they just use the intro from the pilot, it was much better, actually a lot of stuff from the pilot was better, ie. the interior and attack mode.
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This episode was so much better than the last. Much better acting and story. I really liked the other cars also.

The girl that's with Michel seemed much hotter to.

And OMG :drool:

That pool party bit was so great

Anyway, this episode was much more watchable than the last.
Downloading now, looks like a good one!
WTF... Knight Ricer.<_<

The dude from Killer Instinct was in it... that was a great show. :(
What was that red car? Looked like a bad Murcie kit. :blink:
"This isn't GTA4" :lol:

A key maker WTF? and KITT used to be able to control cars and now he doesn't? :|

Fuck me... re-creating the original intro, well done NBC. :cool: (I'm not gonna lie, I got excited when I saw it.) :mrgreen:
The kit car you saw was a Predator Extreme from Romania, the car's design was influenced by the Lamborghini Reventon, Ferrari Enzo, Mercedes SLR McLaren, McLaren F1, and the Infiniti G35, specs and details are hard to come by so you'll have to do some digging.
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OH MY GOD. That was so bad. Camera work seemed like it was done by a 13 year old making a youtube video. CG was garbage. That red Infiniti-Ferrari-Lamborghini-F1 thing.... I remember posting that in Carbage a month or 2 ago. Seriously... Maybe NBC should spend that ridiculous budget on good actors rather than supercar rentals.

Oh.. and the plot line/common sense non-existent.

By the way.

Episode 2 is up now.
It was still poor there's no doubt about that, but it was heaps and bounds better than the first episode.
I have to say they've got one thing right - the names. Knight Rider rule No. 1 states that (nearly) every episode must have a name with 'knight' in it. They must be running out of ideas though.
I like how the bad guys, knowing law enforcement is on to them, decide to put Mike in a ridiculous situation and take their time killing him, instead of getting the heck outta dodge.

I knew they would work in a way for KITT to become an '09 F-150 again too... sigh.
And they just had to stuck in the GT 40 as well.

Anyway I must say this episode is a bit better than the last. I guess the shock of seeing how ugly and unrealsitic the way it looks has worn off.
lol at autoblogs "Infinighini" :lol:
I was surprised he performed so well after being outrun by a bloody Ford Edge in the pilot.
Just finished watching the 2nd episode. It was better than the 1st one, but still pretty bad overall. I can't help the feeling this show was made for 11y olds with hormone problems.

Whoaaaaa dude ... there were like these uber cars, right .... and and and boobs dude, loads of hot chicks with boobs .... and and and street racing dude, like earning streed cred and stuff dude ... and and and they have this totally uber headquarter with like a totally awesome gyroscope thingy for the car dude ... <_<
Thought it was much better than the first episode, no magic napalm this time. Some parts were classic knight rider: The fist fights with no injuries, the whole part in the desert.