Random Thoughts....

Nereid, when you meet your true love, you'll have wanted to have been with one or two girls previously to learn a few things, whether it's taking her to a nice restaurant or fumbling around like a fool in the bedroom. Time's on your side, heck, you're only 14, go out and have some fun before worrying about anything like that. I'm 21 and I'm still nowhere near looking to settle down, even though a lot of my school friends are having children and getting (shotgun) married. They're suckers, these are the best years of our lives and they're wasting them.
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Never go out with anyone who uses "IM speak". Chances are, they're probably as retarded in real life as they sound on the internet.

But I'd want it to be about more than taco bell and combos :p

Hey man, we don't discriminate against food.

I once went to a fine dining establishment blitzed off my arse... best dining experience of my life. I think I had crab ravioli or something like that.
Hey man, we don't discriminate against food.

I once went to a fine dining establishment blitzed off my arse... best dining experience of my life. I think I had crab ravioli or something like that.

True, but, my ex-friend who was a stoner was always like "OMG cheezy gordita crunch" :p
Should I feel guilty, as someone who is actually lucky enough to get paid to play gigs, that I really cannot be arsed to play tonight?
I like how I find out all this crap about Vector/Cutco AFTER I've been hired and agreed to waste most of my weekend in training. Great, just fucking great, my parents won't support me and neither will my friends.


/angry rant
Because you're 18. Nobody ever does anything right when they're a teenager. :p

My ex got conned into this same thing, as have many other kids who just wanted a job. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself.
I like how I find out all this crap about Vector/Cutco AFTER I've been hired and agreed to waste most of my weekend in training. Great, just fucking great, my parents won't support me and neither will my friends.


/angry rant

Don't worry, I can relate, and I think most teens can. I'm getting screwed over by my work, they keep giving me less shifts than I am entitled to under my award and all in the wrong area (I'm meant to work certain stations as I am more skilled and trained- once again, according to my contract, but they just ignore that). And they are making me and everybody else there sign these contracts which go against all these unfair dismissal laws, and if we don't sign them we (ironically) get fired. And because of the "economic crisis", nowhere else is willing to hire me, and I have all these qualifications that most places love. So I guess I'm stuck.

I think most places (rather stupidly) think that all kids looking for jobs are idiots and will take whatever shit they throw at them. But if all these kids quit, where would half of the retail industry be?

Keep your head up mate, you'll find a decent job :)
But it seems like a lot of these people who got "conned" into the job actually have made something of it. How the hell else would this company still be alive and doing so well?

What it sounds like to me is just like the FFA at my school: it seems like a load of bull to outsiders but once you're in and you work at it you start going places.

I'm not some lazy ass teenager who mooches off her parents constantly, I actually want this job and I want to work and do well at it. So I'm going to do it and I don't care what anyone else says - I'm so used to other people trying to discourage me, I've given up caring.

Feel free to say "I told you so" if I really don't get anywhere with this. :)
You might as well try. I mean, what do you have to lose if you end up not going anywhere? Everybody has some pretty crummy jobs as a teenager. Right now, I wash dishes and buff wine glasses for some spending money.
I like how I find out all this crap about Vector/Cutco AFTER I've been hired and agreed to waste most of my weekend in training. Great, just fucking great, my parents won't support me and neither will my friends.


/angry rant

You could have looked up the company before accepting anything. It's not a matter of support so much as being prepared. I know someone who is doing it as well by the way, but he's had some shitty jobs so he can put up with almost anything at this point. If you really need a job, I would apply to other places just in case. In a few months, it'll be summer and you'll have a helluva hard time finding a job. I've been meaning to work the past two summers but every place close by is never hiring by the time I apply.
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^hey don't feel bad about the knife pyramid scheme thing. I came >< that close to working for a similar outfit, selling life insurance.
What they didn't say in advance was that you'd have to go on a 'training weekend'(ie brainwashing session) costing 150?s out of your pocket, and after that you're a certified salesman/woman
you then proceed to contact everyone in your family, friends, etc, to go sell them your crap. Only if they start selling their crap onto other people, do you start earning monies...

now whenever I hear someone ask me to pay in advance for "training" I run away. Fast
You could also be full of shit. Not saying that you are, just pointing out a possibility that you left out.

Could happen to anyone.

Yeah, that's probably it.:p Thanks.:lol:

Or she just told you that after the fact seeing as you just rejected her.

Interesting thought. She said she was out to lunch that time in her status.

Never go out with anyone who uses "IM speak". Chances are, they're probably as retarded in real life as they sound on the internet.

Actually, I know her in real life. I would never go out with anyone who I meet on the internet. Not when you're 14, definitely.:)
A sales job as a teenager, what do you expect? Get yourself a proper job like cleaning dishes, being a waitress... Gets you money as well, and it's honest work with a real purpose.

Off course it could be difficult for youngsters in your area to get a good job, but over here a lot of people do it. I'll go cleaning dishes this weekend, 6 hours saturday evening, 5 hours at sunday, which will get me about 90 euro.

People getting involved in pyramid schemes are mainly considered stupid, low on self respect and, when they try to sell their shit to friends and relatives, annoying. Basically they're the kind of people who think that you can make a lot of money with doing little. While some people do manage that (the starter of the pyramid scheme), most people don't. Save you the effort.
I'm not some lazy ass teenager who mooches off her parents constantly, I actually want this job and I want to work and do well at it. So I'm going to do it and I don't care what anyone else says - I'm so used to other people trying to discourage me, I've given up caring.

Feel free to say "I told you so" if I really don't get anywhere with this. :)

Atleast you want to do well at it, and if it doesn't work out, you've gotten some experience to put to use later in life.

I don't really get why your family and friends don't support you, though. I thought that's what they were for? I don't know, maybe I'm just too old-fashioned living here in the "backwards South". :p
People getting involved in pyramid schemes are mainly considered stupid, low on self respect and, when they try to sell their shit to friends and relatives, annoying.
That, as I understand it, is the point of Cutco knives; they basically "hire" kids to sell shit to their parents and relatives. It's like a really shady fundraiser.

Also, protip: any job that makes you pay for training before you start working is not a job you want.