The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for saying there is a limited amount of !'s on the internet, the only thing limited on the internet is each person is only allowed 24hrs of porn in a day, if you go over you're fined.:D
banned for not leaving in a real place!
Banned for not entertaining me
banned for needing to be entertained by Topgearfanatic.
Banned for throwing out statistics and for the "cutesy wutsey" anime avatar
Bah ya got me back, good job. Banned for getting me :p.
Both of you banned for cartoons from the country that gave birth to cubed watermelons and a man with a funny moustache called darkshark0159 Tojo.
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Banned for banning more than 1 person? Idk
STFU Nereid no one cares.
I don't need to ban people. I break down their hopes and dreams so that they NEVER return.
Banned for being annoying
Go lurk your mum. GTFO
Banned for not getting the concept of a fairly menial task.