The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Your avatar is annoying, you're not interesting at all, you live in a shitty place, and you like pushbikes. You're fired.
Your avatar is annoying, you're not interesting at all, you live in a shitty place, and you like pushbikes. You're fired.

Banned for acting 9 years younger than you are.
It's the key to eternal youth you know. Oh I suppose you don't.
.sdrawkcab gnipyt rof dennaB
.lasreveR fo eripmE lairepmI eht tsniaga gniripsnoc rof dennaB
.gninnab elpirt rof dennaB
Banned for hacking into people's wireless. That, too will be crushed by the might of the ripmE lairepmI esreveR.
Banned because I can't continue this backwards charade any longer.
Bannus becausus everyoneus knowsus allus youus haveus tous dous tous speakus latinus isus justus endus everyus wordus withus "usus".

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