The "Things that annoy me" thread

Direct deposit + debit card

amount has nothing to do with it sincenit comes straight out of my bank anyway. I just use it when it's easier

This. I haven't written a check in i dunno how long...:D
I have a couple of bills I still can't pay online. My water company charges something like $3-4 for EACH online payment. That's highway robbery!

That's ridiculous, I'd write out a check in that case too. :mad:
Ladies and Gentlemen of Australia, when applying for employment opportunities, particularly in the Public Service, you will be asked to address a set of selection criteria. Usually in written format. If you are not going to do this, DO NOT WASTE MY TIME by just submitting a resume. I'm not interested. I am not going to ring you and ask you to come for an interview, I am not going to give you a chance to discuss the selection criteria at interview, I am not going to even read your resume. Do you know why? Because you have just proven to me that you cannot follow a simple instruction being - "please forward your statement of claim against the selection criteria and the completed covering proforma, along with your resume".

I don't care if your statement of claim is crap. I am going to read every word of it, and if you want good constructive feedback about it, I will give it to you. Face to face, whether it takes 30 minutes or an hour and a half (current record is just shy of three hours). And if you have an interesting resume and you present well at the feedback session, I am going to try extra hard to encourage you to reapply. If you want a proper feedback session, and I tell you to bring pen and paper, do so. Don't only have 5 minutes worth of parking because you thought it would only be a minute, particularly when I've told you that the feedback session usually lasts 30-45 minutes, but can take longer. And don't turn up like you've just rolled out of bed. I'm not asking for formal attire, nor even interview attire, but a mostly clean pair of jeans and a T-shirt not covered in last night's dinner is the minimum.

Yes, I am a freak when it comes to recruitment. Yes, I will take time to encourage those I think have potential to work for my organisation. Yes, I understand that most of the time people will not bother with making it worthwhile for you, the applicant. But when the opportunity presents itself, grab it with both hands and you never know, you might actually learn something that helps you get the job next time!

I feel better now.

End of Rant
I don't know anyone who uses cheques any more.

Fun story: this reminds me of how I came in contact with a cheque for the first time in my life recently (now remember, cheques are incredibly uncommon in Germany).
I had ordered some stuff from an online shop, and then returned two items that were wrong. And how did they refund me my money? No, not by simply transfering it to my bank account from which they already got the original payment... instead, they sent me a cheque in the mail! WTF! :lol:
time zones
The local news this morning is full of people grumbling about the fact that we've gotten around 9" of snow this week, and are expecting another big dump this weekend. "This isn't typical for D.C.," they moan.

Yes it is.

I know this area is full of transients, but anyone who's lived here for any length of time--and there are plenty of us--knows that this is perfectly typical for D.C. Once every seven years or so, we get a whopping great dollop of winter, complete with back-to-back snow storms. It happened when I was 2. It happened again when I was 9. Then it was a couple of years late, and happened in 1996, when I was 18. Then again in 2003 (notably, the day after I moved back from Florida; I hadn't seen snow in six years). Now it's 2010, and the whopping great dollop of winter is exactly on time. We'll get it again 'round about 2017, mark my words.

So people are whining because they're going to be inconvenienced by the weather for, say, 12 days. That's 12 days out of 365 in an area otherwise free of scary weather and other natural disasters. Quitcher bitchin', people. After you've shoveled out your car, make a snowman or a snow angel. Throw a few snowballs. Then put on some nice, warm socks, get yourself a good cup of hot chocolate, and get on with your day. Staying home? Good for you. Do something fun and relaxing. Gotta go to work? Put your hot chocolate in the cup holder, drive carefully, and laugh when your car slides, because it looks really funny. Snow is much more fun than it is inconvenient, so find a way to enjoy it. Yeesh.
The local news this morning is full of people grumbling about the fact that we've gotten around 9" of snow this week, and are expecting another big dump this weekend.

I sympathize with you on that subject - and at least you do get snow. Our media is constantly trying to make us believe that we have the worst winter of the couple of hundred years. Warning motorists to only drive when it's absolutely necessary, bitching about the cold weather (barely below 0 ?C) and generally marketing winter as the greatest menace of our time. But if you look at it, we had some snow in January, at best about 10 cm, and all the roads were cleared in a matter of hours. We had like one day of constant light snowing, all the other "difficult" days consisted of some snowfall over night, and then in the morning all the reads were cleared anyway. I honestly couldn't see why some many people and especially the media were raving on about a bit of frozen water as if it was the end of the world. AND while I was growing up we had "much worse" winters, with snow from the end of November, through all of December and sometimes even in February. And that were proper winters, without many cleared roads and the fact that sometimes you simply couldn't drive anywhere because of the snow. For the last ten years it's been more like a couple of cold days in January and perhaps a bit of snow (for the first couple of years when I had my driving license I didn't even have winter tires because it was neither very cold in the winter nor was it snowy, but now it's a) the law to have some, and b) you need them every now and then) but the media is making such a fuzz about it that you would really think the next ice age was already here. On top of all that I love driving in the snow, it's somewhat of a challenge (although all the other motorists who decide to drive at 10% of the speed limit are quite annoying) and you don't get to do it that often. So it's even more annoying that everybody else seems to hate snow and thinks we shouldn't have any of it...
People who talk during lectures.

As if Statistics wasn't difficult enough to follow :mad:
Boredom. I know there's something I should be doing, but I don't know what it is yet. So, I'm bored. Everyone I know is busy. And this blows goats.
Receiving a paper invoice after checking the "I prefer to receive my invoice by email" button... and getting charged $2 for that!

Those bastards at Fido... I'm going to kick some ass!
Retail clerks who will NOT leave you alone. I walked straight out of a store today where I had intended not only to buy something but also to come back and buy even more if it worked out when 2 clerks hovered over me in less than a minute. If I smile and say "no thank you I'm just browsing" please make yourself busy elsewhere for at least a couple of minutes.

Obviously you don't work retail. More than ever there is a sea change in retail where everyone is having to go after sales and offer "terrific customer service." Every company believes that they are unique from their competetors because they offer better customer service...and to them, this means that they will tell you every little bit of information about every little item you so much as look at in the store the whole time you are there. Every customer is supposed to be greeted, so you're bound to get hit be a couple people who don't know you've already been hit.

Retail isn't the same as it was 10 years ago when you could just let people come in to the store and buy what they want and answer their questions. Now, everyone has to do more with less people, and asking the customer about their needs, rather than letting them ask you.

I hate it, and it's no fun...but it's the current retail reality.
^ In regards to that, I've quite often not bought stuff from places because they keep pestering you.

Personally I think invading the customer's personal space is fucking irritating and shit customer service, whether that's what you're taught or not, I don't know.

But yeah, I don't hesitate to just walk out of shops if some person annoys me by hovering around.
If I say "yeah nah, I'm right" I mean that, so yeah.
Today I went to Future Shop to see some TVs, and I asked one of the guy a few questions about a particular model, less than one minute after he was already in the back trying to find me one and having answered none of my questions! Needless to say I left very quickly after :-D
Baaaaaack paaaaaaain. Ouchouchouchouch.

Also, Waco's tap water has been getting on my nerves lately. I've had worse--there was one day in Kilgore where the water was yellow, for pete's sake--but lately Waco's tastes like poorly-filtered pool water. I think there's more chlorine content than actual water, which makes it smell disgusting. I can't even make tea at home without tasting like I'm drowning in someone's dadgummed backyard pool.
Obviously you don't work retail. More than ever there is a sea change in retail where everyone is having to go after sales and offer "terrific customer service." Every company believes that they are unique from their competetors because they offer better customer service...and to them, this means that they will tell you every little bit of information about every little item you so much as look at in the store the whole time you are there. Every customer is supposed to be greeted, so you're bound to get hit be a couple people who don't know you've already been hit.

Retail isn't the same as it was 10 years ago when you could just let people come in to the store and buy what they want and answer their questions. Now, everyone has to do more with less people, and asking the customer about their needs, rather than letting them ask you.

I hate it, and it's no fun...but it's the current retail reality.

Well the other 5 or 6 stores I went in didn't seem to have an issue, just this one. I looked them up online the other day and found out they're owned by another store with the same reputation for annoying as fuck sales people. The sad thing is I really wanted to buy something there, but before I could even find my size I had to leave. I try to be understanding of people doing their jobs. This was just a little excessive.
Baaaaaack paaaaaaain. Ouchouchouchouch.

Also, Waco's tap water has been getting on my nerves lately. I've had worse--there was one day in Kilgore where the water was yellow, for pete's sake--but lately Waco's tastes like poorly-filtered pool water. I think there's more chlorine content than actual water, which makes it smell disgusting. I can't even make tea at home without tasting like I'm drowning in someone's dadgummed backyard pool.

It's SO worth it to have an on-tap filter to get the chlorine out. They really aren't that expensive, especially if you hunt a deal.