Random Thoughts....

I think I'm in love...
On the plus side, all these extra hours at work thanks to us being so understaffed has netted me a big enough paycheck to get a new phone. Its a Pantech Crossover, which is an Android phone :) so it is my first smartphone :lol:

Nice! I actually like the Crossover. Neat little phone. How's the keyboard?

Have I ever mentioned on here how much I hate writing cover letters? Seriously. HATE. I feel like such a conceited turd whenever I have to say anything good about myself. Convincing other people that I'm worth hiring? Yuck. Yuck. A billion times yuck.

I like writing cover letters, I see it as a challenge, like "how can I show this person how capable I am"

I can color well, I cannot bird anatomy very well though and there is a glaring mistake I am seeing that I will not be pointing out because then everyone who has not noticed it will too. :lol:

Artists are always their own worst critic.

The Hempfest nazis are still in the middle of my commute two days after the event. At least they aren't erecting barricades again.

Wow, that is a huge contradiction in terms. Does nobody remember what the Nazis were from history class?

I think I'm in love...

That is not rock n roll.
I can't sleep and I have class at 2
Jay - Genuinely sorry to hear that mate. Chin up.

:james: Hello. You have baby now, yes? Congrats! :thumbsup:

So, where have I been? Blake can probably tell you but that would just make him seem like a stalker:|

Just IRL stuff to be honest. Still living in Sydney, fly back to Melbourne every second weekend to see my gf (5 years strong, interstate isn't going to stop us!)

I was having a flick through some of the threads this afternoon whilst I was a tad bored at work and suddenly remembered how brilliant these boards are and I certainly had a few chuckles at some of the threads I'd never seen before (cars + idiots = LOL for example). Doubt I'll be on every day, but I'll pop in from time to time and contribute.

P.S. TG USA is surprisingly enjoyable.

Again, hello. Good to be back :D

Holy shit, watto is back
Normally I slam high school bands to the nth value because well, they sound like crap. Then there's this guy at my school who was playing a recording on his laptop. Words could not express how floored I was when he told me that was him singing.
The future of the cheque is in the balance. ... More bad change.

Just played that video - hells teeth brilliant, tried some of the others too.
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Still can't sleep, I'm screwed
I haven't been able to have "proper" sleep for at least a week now, maybe two weeks. Getting sick, first with a painful eye infection then with fucking strep from hell didn't help. THEN having share a bed with a smelly, snoring 13 yr old who sleeps badly makes things worst on top of upping my fucking grump meter. The only time I'm able to get some sleep is in the middle of the day and then I get yelled at for sleeping the day away when I actually haven't. And this fucking cigarette smell! I will be happy when this man of my mum's has fucked off back home. The whole house stinks and my throat and nose are irritated to all hell.
It's amazing what shit can destroy your sleep huh? I made a list not too long ago because I was not sleeping anyway, of all the things I could think of that have sabotaged me from sleeping for the night.
I believe the number came out to 38 things, and that was with lumping issues together. One of them defiantly is strong smell.
Google the username 'Pizuzuzimmer', I'm not sure if this person is actually like this or if he's just the biggest troll out there.

Invite him to this place.....should be a hoot :p
I just worked 2 days after being home sick for five weeks (not being able to walk for 3, not being able to drive for the other 2) and need to call in sick again tomorrow, else I think I'm just going to make matters worse for my ankle. I was so psyched being able to finally go back to work that I may have overdone it a bit. That, and a 90 minute commute combined make this harder on my ankle than I first imagined (oh, and walking 1km to some sandwich bar and back again with my new colleagues might have something to do with that as well :wall:). At least the work is nice (fixing problems in App-V packages for 3 schools) and the colleagues are cool dudes, so I REALLY wanna make this work.
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If you don't see me again tomorrow, I've taken a cyanide pill.