Random Thoughts....

My bank is rolling out NFC on their debit cards. Sorry, but about the last thing I want is a credit or debit card that can be electronically read in any way without me putting it knowingly into a reader.
I got a shielded wallet, because I am paranoid. And because I know people who are already babbling about how they look forward to NFC coming around. These guys just want to play, but when I see their mischievous grin I just know there are people out there with dollar signs in their eyes...
I hoped that hanging around work long enough tonight, would mean Dad and I would go out for dinner. Instead I'm sitting outside in the yard on a forklift while he inspects our leaking shed roof. In the dark. With a torch.
I only bought one bottle of wine.

Should have got two :(
NFC stands for Near Field Communication, you don't have to insert it into a slot, but its range is measured in centimeters, so you still have to get pretty close. I'm yet to to see an NFC device that doesn't require physical contact.
NFC stands for Near Field Communication, you don't have to insert it into a slot, but its range is measured in centimeters, so you still have to get pretty close. I'm yet to to see an NFC device that doesn't require physical contact.
It's like with RFID: Theoretically the range is close to zero, yet it's easy to read an RFID chip from a few dozen meters with the right (read: standards-violating, but easily-built) equipment.
15 hour workday?

How is that even legal?

Well, I don't do that everyday, and the paycheck is worth three normal 8 hour days. Too bad we finished the job early and spend only 12.5 hours, so the paycheck is worth only around two normal days.
Never happened before: Went to meet gf yesterday, was super late coming back home so was speeding a tiny bit to get back home quickly. Popo pulled me over, and I complied with his every request. He actually did a sobriety test on me (made me trace the motion of his fingers with my eyeballs), and then lets me go with a warning. I shook his hand and said thanks.

Awesome guy.
Why do American police use all these ridiculously unscientific sobriety tests instead of just using a breathalyser?
Why do American police use all these ridiculously unscientific sobriety tests instead of just using a breathalyser?

I feel it is necessary to further reduce the dignity of the ASS who felt they were sober enough to get behind the wheel of a large piece of machinery, potentially putting hundreds of people in danger because of their stupidity, vanity or ego. So glad that all states in America make convicted DUI drivers jump through hoops and make their life hell, they used to get a slap on the wrist for their first conviction, not anymore. Zero tolerance is the only way with DUI's.

Harish, no knock on you, I know you wouldn't drive DUI.
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Completely agree but the number of people that show up on the UKs cop shows (can't speak for other countries) who seem very cooperative, calm, and in control of their own bodily functions, then blow 3 or 4 times the limit is stupid. What's the point if they could pass the tests (albeit they will stink of alcohol) :p I like your thinking, though - make them run round in circles with a dunce hat on outside the police station for entertainment.
Jay, I was talking about when people get pulled over.

Here in Australia they put a device in front of your mouth, tell you to count to 10 and a few seconds later they know exactly what your blood/alcohol level is. If the breath test is over the limit you are taken to the station for a blood test and if the breath test is under, you go on your way. But in America they seem to make you do stupid things like walking a straight line, saying the alphabet backwards or LP's eye-folowing exercise... why?!? The technology exists to instantly, objectively and accurately determine whether somebody is over the limit, so why do the police there persist in using inaccurate, subjective, observational methods instead?
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Jay, I was talking about when people get pulled over.

Here in Australia they put a device in front of your mouth, tell you to count to 10 and a few seconds later they know exactly what your blood/alcohol level is. If the breath test is over the limit you are taken to the station for a blood test and if the breath test is under, you go on your way. But in America they seem to make you do stupid things like walking a straight line, saying the alphabet backwards or LP's eye-folowing exercise... why?!? The technology exists to instantly, objectively and accurately determine whether somebody is over the limit, so why do the police there persist in using inaccurate, subjective, observational methods instead?

I could postulate several potential reasons:

* perhaps in some areas there are cost constraints that prevent every cop from having a breathlyser

* the "embarassment factor" that Jay mentioned

* a quick way to judge someone's condition, if they fail the walking backwards or whatever, then they could use the breathlyser to confirm drunkeness.

I'd guess that reason 2 is very common
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But they haven't yet determined that the person is breaking the law, so they would also be embarrassing the people who pass the test. I bet its some ridiculous thing about illegal searches and just cause.
I could postulate several potential reasons:

* perhaps in some areas there are cost constraints that prevent every cop from having a breathlyser

It's what, $150? If it saves him a minute per DUI test then he'll make that money back in no time from additional tickets more efficient policing.
I am an open and reasonable person, except when it comes to DUI's. Arguing with me will prove to be futile, I refuse to listen to others reason and reasoning on this subject. I know this is worn out and frankly annoying cliche, but you don't understand where I am coming from.

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I am an open and reasonable person, except when it comes to DUI's. Arguing with me will prove to be futile, I refuse to listen to others reason and reasoning on this subject. I know this is worn out and frankly annoying cliche, but you don't understand where I am coming from.


We aren't talking about how to treat drunk drivers Jay. We are talking about how you determine if they are driving under the influence to begin with.
Back home after seeing the horrid mess that was called The Amazing Spiderman. Not helpful since the sound was slightly out of sync with the picture for a good part of the film.
Ended up complaining, having to dig my feet into the ground and demand recompense from the cinema. Ended up seeing the manager who eventually gave in and gave me a free ticket to Prometheus.

Yay for getting something out of it, but seriously. Avoid Spiderman like a plague. It is anything but amazing.