The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Deny what? Who was denying anything? Certainly not me. :p Banned.
You're denying denial. Banned! :D
I do not deny that I deny denial, but to not deny denial would be futile. Banned.
You're using the same word too many times in one post. Banned.
That is my perogative. Banned.
The actual spelling is prerogative. Banned. :nazibanned:
I can use slang if I want. It's not against the rules. Banned.
Not spelling a word correctly is not slang. It's not spelling a word correctly. Banned.
Banned because wat.
You know what. Banned.
You're banning someone because their psychic powers are on the fritz? Banned.
Physic powers that are on the fritz can be very dangerous. Banned.
Meh, not so much. Only reading people's minds....
The ability to move things using only mind power can be pretty dangerous when in the wrong hands. Banned.
Who said they were that advanced? It's only mind reading, not telekenesis. Banned.
I am talking about all psychic abilities. Banned.
There's a lot of ground to cover with that blanket statement. Banned.
Don't argue with me, you will lose. Banned. :p
That's what you think. :p Banned.
Why do I need to Google booty? Banned.