What's your latest [non-technology] purchase?

I have that shirt too! :)

The third one, the prequel, sucked, but I liked the first two. Kate Beckinsale's butt in skintight black leather is easily worth the 10 bucks. :p
The core movie is always epic, the second becomes eh, and the prequel make you not want to watch any ever again, it's a bad process that hollywood always follows. It leaves so much unanswered and then 6 years later there's a reboot.
The core movie is always epic, the second becomes eh, and the prequel make you not want to watch any ever again, it's a bad process that hollywood always follows. It leaves so much unanswered and then 6 years later there's a reboot.

Yep. But I think they get peoples expectations up too high with sequels. And they usually end up doubling the budget, so the films look, sound, and feel nothing alike. And I think they make the mistake of not understanding what made the original epic, so they fail to carry it into the sequels and the films suck as a result. It was the same thing with the Riddick movies for me. Pitch Black was awesome, I seriously put it right up there with the Alien movies in terms of great scifi action, but the sequel was nothing like the first film. And so it's success was also nothing like the first film.

I may just toss the third disc in the trash and try to forget it exists. :p
I consider Pitch Black it's own movie, i don't ever bother watching anything else after, to me that was the end of the series

Getting it ahead of the Sep 11th show. Perhaps too early? Meh - I'm happy and it means I don't have to waste time queing up at the gig :p This is my 6th Muse Shirt and 5th gig...Hmm...
I consider Pitch Black it's own movie, i don't ever bother watching anything else after, to me that was the end of the series

I agree completely.
I bought one of these:

Because I thought this was lost....


Lesson learned, never lend tools to others!

Now I have both!
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Latest purchase: a 12 pack of Pepsi, one can of which I'm currently enjoying with some rum added for good measure.
Oh and I bought one of these after killing my 4 D cell standard.

A lot brighter...
I hate that phrase. It insinuates that you want the person to suffer some more, before getting well.

I collect Swarovski ornaments, so I picked this one up today.

A new bottle of this:

One of these:

And mum bought me this:



Am now onto the fourth disc on Season 1, am loving it, the realism and depth totally blows away other crime dramas.
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