The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures


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Oh god. :D :lol:
I would have laughed if just one of the guys, when they got out of the capsule, would have shouted "IT'SA ME! MARIO!!"
That is creepy in so many ways.
I'm going to steal that idea and use it for the screenplay of a horror movie.
I would use it as a Halloween costume. Ring the doorbell, and when a person answers the door, do the same pose as the woman pictured, and say nothing. :lmao:
I would use it as a Halloween costume. Ring the doorbell, and when a person answers the door, do the same pose as the woman pictured, and say nothing. :lmao:

Trouble is I wouldn't give her any chocolate because it's already all over her face, talk about shoot yourself in the foot. On the other hand though it would be fun to stick Wine Gums to her face.
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